This entirely, they then buffed Hand Cannons and Pulse Rifles beyond belief. Xur selling TLW and Red Death shortly after these buffs made that very clear. Thanks for the bump.
They buffed PRs, but didn't buff HCs. They did a mild nerf. With so many people moving away from ARs, HCs and PRs increased in use. If ARs were buffed, I think you will see a reduction in HC use.
Ah yes, I considered Xur's 3.. Maybe 4? Times of selling the Last Word a buff. They claimed to have nerfed Hand Cannons to Mid-Close Range combat, yet I can still land a 111 Crit from across the map on Shores of Time. I highly doubt TLW and Thorn will stop being common after AR buffs. Then again I could be wrong. I look forward to finding out.