I have noticed that there is a slight problem with spawn killing and thought it would be a good idea for a 3/5 second spawn sheild so you dont get rushed at spawn
3 second shield gets my vote I've lost track of how many times I've died then been killed again before I finish the spawn animation or they could do away with the spawn animation.
There is a slight spawn shield, so the people that can snipe across to them mad props because by they time they spawn they beat feet so if you can get them on the run good job!
It's only a problem on that one map on Venus. I spawn kill others with my sniper a lot. It's the Ishtar Sink map, the one with buildings... The small one.
It wouldn't help much. Most of the time there is 3-4 people shooting at you anyways. It'd just take an extra half a second to kill you.
Stupid idea