Hey guardians. I'm currently rank 4.25 in IB, haven't played much this week. I did all my bounties for the day and am going to grind to rank 5 tonight.
I already have a Timur's Lash, but it's maxed and stock. I'm just curious what everyone thinks the best reroll is? And give a reason why you picked those. Also I'm keeping my first.
You should ask the #Destiny forums. Buy IMO I would say Crowd Control, perfect balance, and spray and play. I prefer spray and play over outlaw because in PVP, unless you're amazing, you don't always get Crit. shot kills which makes outlaw null. If you always empty your gun, you will always have a fast reload.
Outlaw, field scout, and crowd control. You can't get firefly on a hand cannon, just incase you were unaware.