Have you ever had a six man feed before? If you have, what was it like and how did you do it?
Mine was in control with a shoulder dash through the air over a wall to a FoH on an A flag. Didn't even realize till I got 2 achievements and filled the feed with the FoH devastation. Probably the best crucible moment I'll ever have
I have just me and my bubble.
Nova bomb into enemy swarmed heavy ammo
I've gotten one with each class (before I deleted my warlock and titan) Nova Bomb on a flag, fist of havoc on a flag, and a bladedancer feed in clash for the final kills.
Edited by ImmortalAbyss: 5/22/2015 1:29:52 PMI took out either 5 or 6 on theives den. It happened so fast at c.... I was over by the special spawn as they flooded in below me. Took out two with the pulse one with the sidearm and two or 3 with the nova bomb. Got a breaker medal. And a couple others that I didn't see
I did. Was facing a full team and they were all gathered to get heavy. Came around the corner and boom, six man and stole the heavy
In one life? Probably, not all at once though. Does that count? Or I might of when I thought Bladedancer was my play style.
I got 5 when I cut off 4 supers with a suppressor grenade then HoC'd them into oblivion.
Hulk Smash on the Heavy Ammo drop ALL 6 dead and Gone!
A ton in 3v3 and 2v2 and a couple in 6v6 probably. Gunslinger OP
Almost, I got 5 once. It was ridiculous. I was on the really small moon map and was at b. 5 of them rushed b and I had heavy ammo and then got my super. It was awesome
Edited by Oxide: 5/22/2015 12:41:17 PMFist of ha over three at point then shotguned two and switched to last word and killed last guy
Bc I run a Gunslinger I've only killed the whole team in 6 player gamemodes. With throwing knives more often than golden gun, though.
One rocket without tracking or proxy detonation gets me a triple, 2 seconds later throw a trip mine and get another triple
Yep! I haven't got Seventh Column but I have a Reaper via Steel Oracle. The central point on Shores of Time, I'm off on the other side running up to the gap you have to jump across. The other team is capturing the point. I jump up, lift high, and send the rocket down under fire. One guy escapes, so I shoot another, killing him. Then I think I died. I don't know for sure. No tracking on the rocket either. But my best play ever was in a Clutch Salvage game on Twilight Gap. The central point up the stairs was under enemy control and time was running out. My team was winning by a very small amount. It all came down to defusing. So my two teammates ran up and were shotgunned to death. I jumped up from where the heavy ammo spawns with my Polite Denial out. Shoulder Charged into one guy right off the bat and transfused. Turned to the other guy, shot at him with my PD and jumped over his head as he tried to shotgun me. I'm such a ninja sometimes. Then I hit him in the back. Transfusion again. Then Mr. Sunsinger comes at me and I just whip Felwinter's out. Shoot him dead. [i]"Overtime"[/i] I run over to the objective and begin defusing it... remember Mr. Sunsinger? I hear an eruption of flames behind me and I know exactly what it is. My teammates are still respawning. So what I do is, I turn around and see Mr. Sunsinger sprinting straight for me. So then I sprint right at him. I slide towards him and unleash a Lie shot on him, followed by a Storm Fist (I've got Overload). As soon as I come out of my slide I Lift above and behind him, just in time. He tries to melee me but I'm not there anymore. He spins around and tries to melee me again. I duck and dodge to the side. Then I jump across him and hit him with a melee. He dies. Then I defuse the salvage point and my team wins. So a four man feed in a Skirmish Clutch Overtime Comeback win. Unassisted with a one v one on a Sunsinger.
Lucky with fist of havoc
Bladancer. End of story
I FoH (with Death from Above equipped) the enemy's heavy ammo and got a Reaper medal. I'm yet to get the Seventh Column medal...
Edited by TayKief: 5/21/2015 9:26:14 PMYup totally. I opened up with a nova bomb, died, self resurrected, then realize 6 were left. I quickly switched to striker and killed 5 and finished one of them off with my golden gun. All in the same raid. [spoiler]shrekt[/spoiler]
Nova bombed heavy ammo.
Almost. I killed one wirh melee, 2 with shotty, 1 with TLW and a warlock twice cuz he self rez and stuck me with a grenade right before FoH their only hunter
FoH an entire team as they picked up their heavy. Before the patch that keep you from picking up heavy ammo from killing them
Walked up to heavy ammo and shotgunned/stuck everyone. To be honest if you said you blade danced everyone that doesn't really count. Also warlock = master race for wiping teams without killing with your super
4 kill Arc Blade spree on burning shrine. Shot gunned and then meleed the last 2 guys got reaper.
1 rocket
I blade danced an entire team of 6 for the nail in the coffin and the win. It was a control game and I caught them all in one of the Heavy ammo room.