Well, after a one day in IB I have been killed in amazing ways, some of which I still don't know are legit. If someone can say if they are or not, that would be nice. These were all one shots too.
2. Black Hammer body shot
3. Blade Dancer energy wave
4. Titan's flash bang
5. Many different shot guns at a range where TLW was doing less damage.
6. Friendly shoulder charge ricochet... into a far off wall.
1 hawk moon has 3 luck in the chamber rounds meaning they can stack one shoting you 2 black hammer will 1 shot body if they're using weapons of light 3 blade dancer wave has always 1 shot 4 have never been one shot by a Titans flash bang so idk what to tell you 5 fell winter is a bitch 6 that has always killed you, the game detects you are traveling super fast into an unmovable object and kills you kinda like fall damage