I'm always asked to say things when I join a raid fire team with Americans.
I think the American accents are way better, just the diversity in them between states.
I find our accents, even though we have our different accents seem to sound more common than the US
A vast majority of our accents are horrible. Makes everyone sound like a retard. Like the scouser accent and a lot of people in Essex with the "shat aaap" style talk. Fortunately I can say I am from Essex and I don't speak like this. I had a Brit himself get excited when he found out I don't speak like them lol
The scouse has got to be one of the worse in my opinion. No disrespect to them. I hate my accent, the Welsh accent is terrible. But I agree, most British accent make people sound like complete idiots
Scottish accent on males with deep voice is great. It makes them sound like barbarians lol