The theory is that it evolved from the Dna evolved from rna in lipids. Which before you ask is from carbon atoms. How can you not believe in this but you can believe humans were magically made from clay?
First, the bible is not meant to be taken literally all the time. Second, there is one thing I remember from 4th grade, and was when on of the sisters said that science explains how God did things. Is there not some carbon in the mud? Sure God could snap his fingers and make us appear, but why make rules just to break them? I would say that he probably helped those carbon atoms come together just right though.
If the bible is metaphorical, so is God. You make no logical argument so we're done here cuz neither of us is gonna convince so each other so let's not waste our time. As long as your faith empowers you and makes you a better person I respect that. Have a good day sir
That's like say if I use a metaphor it makes me a metaphor. Anyway, night.