The way it has massive amounts of recoil unless you waste two perks to calm it down...the way it does absolutely no damage unless you have glass half full so it does slightly more than no damage...the way it's a crucible earned gun that is absolutely useless in crucible. This gun is fantastic.
This gun needs to be fixed. It's a unique gun that is absolute garbage but is gorgeous. Especially with the sight I have on it. With the new assault rifles coming in HoW, you need to take this gun and reconfigure it, not leave it as is as we all know you will with the old useless assault rifles.
I feel bad for the guy you paid to design it who knew you would ruin it and waste his time since nobody would even look at the gun never mind bother to use it.
And by buff it I do not mean to just buff assault rifles base damage back to what they were before. This gun needs to be reworked. Bring the RoF down, bring the impact up.
What other gun can be used to intimidate the shit out of a 26 when he's the last one left in elimination?
You've convinced me. I'm deleting it in the name of vault space.
Dam u str8 babygurl
Auto rifles take good cover, marksmenship and courage to use. Lots of bullets hitting the same target really fast can kill.
New Silimar's drops have very high stability, and higher impact/lower rof, in case you're still following this. Unfortunately they didn't update the pre-how drops with the new stat layout, so only the new ones are worth a damn.
any scrub can run crucible using a vex. Try silimar out, its a true challenge.
ARs in general are complete crap, I haven't use one since they took em away. All the people crying that Suros was OP, well ya got your wish, ARs are as useful as a band of monkeys dressed in little suits.
I hate you for this post...I broke after hours of farming this week and gave up now that IB is over. I am disappointed but such is destiny. F.u. destiny...
Its atheons epilogue without void damage?
I think keep the Rof where it is at, but throw in an interesting all new archetype. red death has its own, why can't the Wrath? Give it a slight impact boost.
It looks like the Epilogue.
There are way too many auto rifles that have 100 RoF, 1 impact.
If you have the right perks it's an above average AR. It's really simple to get the stability real high. It has a huge mag and amazing reload so if you get perfect balance or fitted stock and combine that with glass half full or crowd control or something it's very useable Overall AR pretty weak though
It looks good but it plays like unwilling soul. It's utterly harmless.
Honestly, I don't know why there are two different types of automatic weapons. Machine Guns should have been only High-Rate Low-Impact, while Auto Rifles should have been Low-Rate High-Impact.
Check this out: Every IB weapon that I have seen, (haven't seen Perun's Fire, or the Pulse) has fit very snugly into the High Impact archetype for each of their respective weapons. (Blast Radius on Rhadeghast's) Who's smart idea was it to go the opposite direction with a sexy auto rifle? It should be noted by Bungie that this is a ridiculous design flaw from whoever decides the numbers for these things. The IB Weapons should be the top-tier legendaries for each respective weapon type, and as we all know, the Similar's Wrath is not that way. It in fact should be reworked to be more along the lines of Shadow Price or the Vanquisher, or to be bold, SUROS. [spoiler]TL:DR - Silimar's Wrath doesn't fit the high impact precedent that every other IB weapon has followed, and should be re-worked to reflect this.[/spoiler]
Yeah, started playing with it last night a little bit. I like the way it looks, but it is entirely underwhelming.
Funny how its the only IB weapon that doesn't have the highest impact in it's class.
It is so bad. So so so bad.
Yeah, I won two, one had glass half full, the other decent balance perks. Most IronBanner weapons look good, and are strong but not unfairly so. Balance is kept but not with the auto rifle, not with the low impact and AR Nerf
I purchased it the first time in offered it and I've never really used it. Its a great looking weapon and its a shame it really has no purpose in this game.
Yeah it's not like my lovely cydonia, the only auto I would use beside Suros in pvp.
Got this gun last night and went to the cosmodrome to try it out and this thing kicks like a mule but the flames are extremely fun and it's a fun gun to shoot. If it just had good stability and a bit more impact it would be a blast to use in pvp and pve for that matter.
Why is this gun black and blue?