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5/2/2015 5:12:19 PM

To all the players crying for nerfs...

Stop it. All you are doing is destroying pvp and pve at the same time as seen with previous nerfs. When a weapon is nerfed in pvp, it is also nerfed in pve. Bungie has absolutely no way of separating the 2 apart so any changes to weapons affect both game modes. It's not the weapon, it's the weapon user. 2 head shots is pretty reasonable [i]they're head shots for crying out loud![/i] in real life, one bullet is usually all it takes. There are balances to crucible just look at all the exotics there are. Thorn is not the only weapon out there. Red death cancels out thorn with its healing and it comes in handy on the more ranged maps. The last word stops thorn dead in its tracks if you're quick and accurate enough. I hear from ps4 players that hawk moon is cool and can outgun thorn too. The vex outguns almost everything (maybe not so much anymore). Don't forget about that sniper felwinters lie! Plenty of weapons to choose from. Thorns dot effect only lasts like 2 secs max it's not like it drains all your health in one shot. I have actually survived a lot of thorn shots. You just gotta take cover for a second. If your health is almost gone, then why would you keep shooting? You're going to die from one bullet if your health is low. It's common sense or I at least hope it is. There's strategy to pvp. You can't just run around like Rambo all the time, unless you have a shotgun but now with special ammo nerf that's not as prevalent. So that's my opinion and I hope some of you realize that this game cannot take all the nerfs you are asking for. Look at auto rifles. They are completely useless now. An entire set of weapons that people spent time drawing up, making, developing, are now never to be used. Do you understand how awful that is? Those devs worked hard on those weapons and now their work is wasted because no one will use this weapon anymore. If hand cannons are nerfed to oblivion, guess what? There's only 2 primary weapons that will be usable after that. Then pulses will get nerfed and then scouts after that and then what happens? Pve becomes impossible to play. Pvp will be nothing but people hammering several rounds into people just to see them never die and then the game will be stupid and no one will play anymore. Is that really what you want?

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