I have been playing since launch and unlike many of my friends, I have stuck around. Thus I have encountered a problem many of you may identify with - No one to play with outside of LFG sites and no real teamwork in any game mode.
I have tried to make a clan for the few remaining friends who play - however they play so little that they will never catch up >.<
So, I am looking for a relatively small clan (don't care which time-zone really, as long as the majority if English-speaking) consisting of friendly people who like to partake in all Destiny has to offer - Nightfalls, Weekly activities, Crucible, Iron Banner, (The soon to come) Trials of Osiris + Prison of Elders, and of course Raids.
A little bit about me;
Xbox One GT: EuanBad
Age: 22
Characters: Hunter (32), Titan (32), Warlock (32)
Average Crucible KD (as of this post): 1.53 (https://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/1/4611686018432827359/2305843009216527206#context=crucible§ion=none)
Additional Info: I play for fun, however due to not having tons of time to play games, I do like to get things done quickly. I also enjoy helping others, because why the hell not.
Please either message me through here, or directly message/party invite me via Xbox Live before inviting me to your clan :)
Check out Social Drinkers and Social Drinkers XB1 (main and subclan) Just peruse the boards, chat with a few people, see of you like how we run. If so, feel free to join up. If not, you can still swing by to lfg if you want.