I've been here since beta but anybody who has been on the forums for more than a couple of months should see what's happening:
1. Scrubs complain incessantly about the gun(s) that kills them the most and how it's breaking crucible
2. People for and against a nerf to said gun(s) argue until those topics are all trending
3. Everyone who can equips said gun(s) because they assume it will make them better
4. Bungie sees everybody using the same gun(s) and arbitrarily decides it must be "overpowered"
5. Bungie releases hotbreak and sells us on their expert analysis involved in randomly picking nerf/buff values to fix broken crucible
6. Forums blow up as everybody laments how bungie broke crucible again (and PvE)
7. Scrubs still get killed a lot, but by different gun(s)
8. [Return to step 1]
I can't be the only one who's figured this out right? All you have to do to predict the next nerf anymore is to spend one round in Iron Banner!
Agree? Disagree? Is there any end in sight or can we expect to be relearning crucible every month or two consistently for the next 9 years? And will the PvE players ever catch a break?
[b]TL;DR: Crucible will never be balanced because scrubs will never be not scrubbish.[/b]
Lol, you must be the game's most inactive beta player.