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4/30/2015 4:40:32 PM
I don't get why people have such heated debates over Creation vs. Evolution. The two don't even ask the same question! Evolution asks [b]how?[/b]. Creation asks [b]why?[/b]. Creation says God created the world because He wanted a companion created in his likeness, that answers [b]Why?[/b]. Evolution says we were created by evolving from simple life forms to become what we are today, that answers [b]How?[/b]. That means that the two theories can coexist because they don't answer the same question. Now, this means that you can believe both, that God created the world, that is the [b]why[/b], and that we are as we are because we evolved from amebas or bacteria, that is the [b]how[/b]. Evolution doesn't answer how the amebas got there, and Creation doesn't answer why we are as we are in this day and age. So many people don't understand that they are arguing about two things that [b]don't answer the same question[/b].

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  • Actually I very specifically know that exact thing. And nothing about what you pasted counters anything, and isnt backed up by any information that isn't misrepresented.

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  • You must produce evidence that isn't faulty that blatantly proves me wrong

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  • I don't have time reteach you everything you should already know. If you think your copy paste was correct, you're a lost cause.

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  • You wouldn't be teaching me anything that hasn't already been taught to me, but the fact is a lot of what was taught to me was based on the assumption that evolution is true, and I'm not saying it's not true to an extent, but that is literally the definition of biased.

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  • Edited by Britton: 5/3/2015 3:03:00 AM
    Its not an assumption to teach you things based off a scientific theory with mountains of evidence and observation. If evolution was merely an idea, then yes it would be an assumption but its not. That's like saying you learned about the solar system on the assumption we orbit the sun. That's not an assumption.

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  • The assumption that evolution is completely true is faulty in of itself. I never said that it wasn't true at all, I just said that to base something off of a theory/law/whatever is the definition of biased, no matter how much evidence it has for it.

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  • Edited by Britton: 5/3/2015 3:14:53 AM
    When the theory or law is a theory or law then your being biased towards the truth. And you're in school to learn the truth. Not everything but the truth.

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  • You're not being biased if it is something proven 100% true. Evolution hasn't and probably will never be proven 100% true. So hence it is biased.

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  • Nothing can be proven 100% true. Welcome to philosophy.

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  • At least we agree on something. I really don't want to argue and debate for hours, because between you and me we surely could, so let's just agree to disagree because we are probably never going to have the exact same philosophical ideas. You are a good dude who knows what he's talking about, and in my opinion, so am I. And neither of us are getting anywhere with each other.

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  • Sure. But you should be smart enough to know basic geology disproves a global flood.

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  • I just copy and pasted, man. I didn't even know that was in there. I just read some of them, copied, and pasted. The truth is I was just trying to get some of them, but something happened and all of the ones listed copied and pasted and I didn't have time to go back and delete the ones I don't agree with.

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  • *shrugs* The only opinion I can form of you is based on how you present yourself here.

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  • Very true.

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  • [quote] Evolution is contrary to natural laws (without exception) whereas creation is consistent with natural laws—for example, creation is consistent with the laws of thermodynamics and law of biogenesis. [/quote] The creationist argument is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of thermodynamics and the Second Law. The laws of thermodynamics only apply within a thermodynamically "closed" system, in which no free energy can enter from outside the system. Under such circumstances, the available free energy is used up and degraded until it can no longer do work, leading to thermodynamic decay and increase in entropy and disorder. The Earth is not a closed system. [quote], There are no transitional fossils or living forms—there is not one single example of evolution! Evolutionists look for “the” missing link—ironically, they are in desperate search for just one! But there should be billions of examples of transitional forms with transitional structures if evolution were true, but there are none. The bottom line, evolution has never been observed within fossils or living populations. [/quote] There are literally hundreds of transitional fossils – ones that show features in common with distinct later species. I like Tiktaalik  the best, an ugly brute with some fishy gills, land-lubbing lungs, and some bits that were in between (a wrist joint connecting to fins). Here you can see for yourself. Also you say evolution has never been observed. How could it? Evolution is a process that takes thousands of years in the least. We've been studying evolution for 150 years. Creation has had 2000 years to supply one viable source of proof, and it hasn't. Furthermore, finding true transition fossils is difficult because organisms only fossilize under certain circumstances. Not every organism becomes a fossil.

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  • Edited by King Stark: 5/2/2015 8:18:05 PM
    [b] [/b]

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  • Edited by NoiselessPurse15: 5/2/2015 7:37:24 PM
    1) Creationism does violate the laws of physics, seeing as how God made all the matter and energy in the universe. Don't act like creationism is in any way scientific. 2) Adaptation and evolution are seen today. Adaptation is a form of evolution. If evolution isn't real, why do we have to make new vaccines every year? 3) There are millions of fossils in the earth, but there are several reasons why the fossil record is somewhat incomplete. - The conditions required for an organism to become a fossil are very rare - We haven't found all of the fossils on the planet yet Your argument again relies on ignorance. 4) Those blood cells and tissues were mostly found in frozen dinosaurs. They were just very well preserved. 5) Hundreds of different, independent studies have been done on the age of the earth using radiometric dating. 6) The great flood could never have happened. Where did all that water come from? How did we get this much genetic diversity from so few organisms in just 6000 years? All your aguments rely on ignorance of science. These aren't even your arguments, which leads me to believe that you're very uneducated, which means that you don't have a post-secondary education, or you're still in high school. Don't bother replying, you'll just embarrass yourself.

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  • Edited by RichardSalad: 5/3/2015 1:24:44 AM
    I've seen you post before noiseless, you rely all of your arguments on saying that the other person is uneducated and doesn't know anything about the basics of science. I honestly think you are either a troll or just a person who doesn't know how to have a meaningful debate without tossing around derogatory terms. And as of my education, I spend eight years in college majoring in natural sciences and philosophy, I'm fairly sure that is more than you have because if you had it you wouldn't be so bad at learning new things or at least not being a dick when you think someone is wrong. And if either of the two of us is an uneducated high school student it is you because, out of all the times I have seen you telling people to provide evidence, I haven't seen you produce a single shred. And now that someone has you get all butt hurt because it doesn't support you view of things. "Don't bother replying, you will only embarrass yourself."

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  • Lol, good job avoiding all of my points and going straight for personal attacks. A philosophy major? Lol, how pathetic. That's barely a real major. I'm a doctor kid, trust me, there's no way you're more educated than me. Because you didn't address any of my points, I win, and you lose again.

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  • So true, evolution explains what happens after life already exists.

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  • Thats a good point

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