[b]TO CLARIFY: this ISNT asking what's the better game, or what is more addicting, I'm asking who would win in a all out war, who has better weaponry, fighting, leaders, etc[/b]
A lot of these kind of polls have been popping up so I decided to make one. Which would you choose?
Edit:brought this to destiny topic
Edit:Weird, all responses say borderlands, but the votes say otherwise... If you vote destiny please say why
Edit: Do not count unknown power in destiny, like the actual darkness. Just the things we know
Well let's see here: base attack stats for endgame weapons in destiny: 331-365 Abilities are pretty decent on most guns....provided they can kill anything in the borderlands universe, unlikely Because.... Base attack stats in borderlands for endgame weapons: 100'000 up into the 6-12'000'000 ranges, and yet it can still take a long time to kill some of the enemies...not only that but the borderlands characters can resist guns with those types of damage output, combined with elemental damage that actually is proper elemental damage... Guardians are -blam!-ed