[quote]Audi has begun production of a synthetic diesel fuel made from water, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Unlike fossil fuels, which release additional carbon into the atmosphere, Audi’s “e-diesel,” which is being produced at a plant in Dresden in conjunction with the German alternative energy company Sunfire, has a net-zero carbon footprint because it is made with carbon dioxide taken from the air.
The challenge for Audi will be ramping up its fuel from a science project to a commercial success. It seems to have ambitions to do so: it has been pursuing carbon-neutral fuels since 2009, and its partnership with Sunfire is just one of several collaborations with energy companies. [/quote]
One of the biggest issues people always have with alternative energy is giving up their vehicles. I'm no different, I love my V8 4x4 truck. But I also care a lot about trying to save our environment, and this is the best of both worlds. Yay science!
Why don't they skip that entire process and just get electricity straight from the wind turbine?