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Discuss all things Destiny.
4/28/2015 7:31:33 PM

i love it here...

i love these forums... all the different types of posts... the whiner the wishful thinker the nerf this, nerf that the xur predictions the xur hate the xur love the polls the "i hate (insert game mechanic or weapon here)" the angry rants about noobs and/or squeakers the subtle troll the not so subtle troll the bad troll the bait posts the satire the shameless youtube video plugs the actual "i have a question..." posts the speculation the HoW hate the HoW hype the gibberish posts that require hallucinogenic drugs to translate the #masterrace threads the family meetings the AMA posts and.... the list posts i just cant get enough of this cancer riddled cesspool of a forum... every last one of you is insane in your own sick and twisted or cute and fuzzy way... and i love you all for it... so what keeps all you crazy kids coming back for more? if i had to pick, id say i love the folks that need to insult the bejeesus out of everyone in their path... so much drama and anger! but on top of everything else... i come here because i love this game. i love the feel of getting new shit, of blasting away a boss with my friends (or randoms), of running around like an idiot. please... insult me, laud my stupidity, tell me you dont care, tell me im an attention whore (i love it when people call me names... it tickles my fancy)... do your worst or show some love... stay gold guardians

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