I'm not inflating or attempting to flaunt my k/d like you were. And I have plenty of excuses as to why its at a 1.2. but I really don't care to defend my crappy k/d like you do.
Being in the top 11% is considered crappy? Nice to know you failed math. Stating a fact isn't flaunting btw, and the only thing inflated here is your ego.
Ego? Who's the one telling people they rarely get under a 2.0 while at this time they have a 1.6? I'm the one who admits to having a crappy k/d that's not egotistical scrub.
He's just pointing out that you just bumped up your k/d a little higher than it actually is. You're still great at crucible
That's the thing. I didn't say my k/d was a 2.0. I even stated the opposite. Ever since I started playing with a (leveled) hunter in the crucible, I get 2.0s nonstop. Only real problem is groups that are running together and the occasional person who's genuinely better than I am. My k/d is not a 2.0. That doesn't mean most of my games aren't. He doesn't get that.
Edited by Poo Poo Pee Pee: 4/27/2015 2:43:42 AMThere are always several factors going into kds that taint it such as screwing around and trying out new weapons, I never really try to judge based off kd. A good analogy is to skill level in battlefield. Mine could be 400 when I tried but would fall to 200 when my friends and I just c4 launched vehicles for a couple of hours straight