[b]TO CLARIFY: this ISNT asking what's the better game, or what is more addicting, I'm asking who would win in a all out war, who has better weaponry, fighting, leaders, etc[/b]
A lot of these kind of polls have been popping up so I decided to make one. Which would you choose?
Edit:brought this to destiny topic
Edit:Weird, all responses say borderlands, but the votes say otherwise... If you vote destiny please say why
Edit: Do not count unknown power in destiny, like the actual darkness. Just the things we know
Borderlands actually has a universe. Destiny, despite being 3 planets and the moon, is such a small area. So as far as "which universe is better" borderlands has the advantage.
I like the Borderlands Universe more. But it doesn't have PvP or any type of dungeon / raiding. That's what I'm on Destiny. If it was just straight up for game playthrough, story, having fun doing my own thing, I'm always on BL for that.
Borderlands for the boss fights! If u have all the dlc there are so many bosses to fight/farm!
67% haven't played borderlands at all. you think your gjallarhorn is strong? Norfleet is where it's at. but in all seriousness borderlands would win, the mobs in that game are way tougher and so are the bosses however i still enjoy playing both games
If the "strongest" siren can get throat punched and taken out then it shows they aren't that strong.
The speaker would come out with a royal procephy, a royal proclamation. This proclamation is an old script, composed by the traveler himself. It was the link. The link to the YouTube video on how to cheese Handsome Jack. And that's why the Destiny universe would win.
Nisha dual luck shot cannons buff said
how would the Destiny world win? I mean come on. MR. TORGUE WOULD -blam!- SHIT UP. plus there the conference call with the before the patches;)
Handsome jack wins everything. Here Butt stallion!
Played borderlands a few times. Was not aware people still played it. Can't get into it personally
Did somebody say EXPLOOOOOOSIONSSSS? Mr torgue is the best thing in the borderlands.
When I play Blands, I do not continue. When I play Destiny I have multiple nerdgasms. That is all
I've played both, and find I enjoy destiny more. Having that said, I love the humour and cartoonish graphics of borderlands.
Edited by Johnnykev: 4/28/2015 10:41:26 PMI voted destiny because I find it harder to put down. By not giving us all the story (which pissed me off), Bungie leaves an awful lot up in the air, but provides incentive to keep at it and talk about it more (huge risk on their part, but I think the lack of story telling is somewhat mitigated by sheer gameplay). I love the borderlands story but the pre-sequel really soured the series for me and my wife. It was lackluster in our books, but still a fairly solid game.
In terms of universe, I'd have to say destiny, even though I enjoy playing borderlands more
I played borderlands 2 for 2 hours and I turned it off and deleted my install on my PS3. I could not get into it at all.
Destiny's worlds are much more beautifully designed and have a more interesting background imo
Borderlands hands down. Sure the idea of the major businesses being arseholes and the general bad guys isn't new, but the content is entertaining and plentiful. The weapons certainly give you reasons to go get them (I <3 CC). Hell it even makes an old idea actually sound amusing and worth doing over and over again. Most folks that say other wise are either being haters for the sake of hating, never played the series, or have different tastes in games.
Anyone who votes Destiny is the reason games now are shit. Thank you , you stupid ignorant -blam!-s.
Destiny. hands down. There is nothing interesting about borderlands story. All it is is a great concept that relies too much on jokes or corny sayings. Series lacks more substance then destiny imo. Though I will openly admit handsome jack's story/backround is very good. He was a well written character.
how is destiny winning? Borderlands has over triple the content in the vanilla game, than destiny will ever have. Most people probs haven't played it, or so I assume. No h8, I play both games myself and enjoy them separately. I guess they are two different games in general so there's not too much room to pit them against each other.
Everyone on this forum knows Destiny, not everyone has played Borderlands which probably has something to do with Destiny winning. I prefer Borderlands, but Destiny had pretty good lore (although the story sorta failed to show it)
Currently I have far more hours into Destiny, than I did all of the Borderlands combined, but personally I think the Destiny setting is god awful compared to Borderlands. I just don't find it interesting, yet I do like the gameplay a lot more.
Borderlands seems corny as hell. I played the first one and was disappointed. Is there anything in Borderlands that is equivalent to VOG?
Maybe its me because I have beat bl2 campaign at least 15 times but it got so annoying hearing the terrible voice overs so many times especially from Roland he had the dumbest dialogue I was glad that he got murdered over and over again