I do well in the crucible, typically 2.0 k/d, but Asylum is my, "I'm lucky to break even" map. I cannot for the life of me find any advantageous area on it, I can't find a good route, and can't find any way to control the map in any way, shape, or form. I know that there are people who love that map, people that are great on that map, and people that are excited to see it whereas I consider going to orbit immediately when it shows up.
To those who enjoy playing on Asylum and to those who do well on that map, what do you do, and how do you do it?
Videos are greatly appreciated, as I can't seem to find any that effectively go over how to not be terrible on that map.
I run to the other teams spawn and just pick them off, also using a super into the bottom heavy ammo area will get you a bunch of kills. I've found running into the top middle area just doesn't work