I was just reading an interesting article on how/what one mother (and other parents) are "teaching their children to share". Here's the link, it's not a long read.
Basically, she and other parents are not encouraging their children to "give up a toy" to another child in the name of sharing unless they choose to do so, as opposed to "give the toy to the other kid because they want it and that means you should give it up" aka, "share".
How do you define the act of sharing? Is it based on the actions of the giver, or the recipient? Is it based on the decision/choices of the giver or the wants/desires of the recipient? Is sharing something you do, or something that you expect?
Since I am asking the reader and other members to honestly self-assess and reply with how they define sharing, I am going to hide my thoughts in a spoiler. But please, answer before you read my personal views as I am interested in hearing the opinions of others and don't want to pressure or influence someone to alter their honest view in order to comply with or address my own opinion.
[spoiler]Personal Opinion, your views and actual mileage may vary.
It's such a difference in opinion on how the term "sharing" is defined. Some might argue that it's just semantics (where the common usage is "let's agree to disagree on the meaning, so we can both preserve our personal definition"), but it is important for people (both adults and children) to learn that sharing is the act of "this is mine but I will let you use/have it", not "I don't care whose that is, I want it".
We (hopefully) learn sharing early on. We (again, hopefully) discover the rewards of giving something that is ours (an object, time, attention, affection) to someone else because we want or choose to do so. Those rewards can range from a warm feeling inside, to the joy of seeing someone else's eyes light up, to hearing them sincerely thank you, to know that you gave and they appreciated. As we grow, sharing can blossom into concepts and actions such as benevolence, charity, and love.
The other side of the exchange, can go two ways. The gracious receipt and acknowledgement that I now have what was yours and you gave to me freely is one, the other is "you were obligated to give it to me because I wanted/needed it."
The first is true sharing. The second? It is not.
It is based on envy. The idea that the recipient is owed or due what the "sharer" gives. That is not sharing, that is theft. Theft by guilt, by coercion, by emotional/social blackmail. Such an "exchange" removes the first party's free will and ability to act in a giving way and flips the idea on its head to where the recipient is due whatever others have.[/spoiler]
Like this. -knocks recon out- -loots all of recons munys- -runs into the distance-
I share because I want to :) Not because I have to
Edited by The Orwell: 8/13/2015 6:48:30 AMYo Ninja! [spoiler]Be nice everyone! lol[/spoiler]
I don't want to be the only guy with chlamydia
Usually I share, but when people try to make me share things that I don't want to share (things that are precious to me), it really pisses me off
Edited by KILLA CHAMORRO: 8/4/2015 6:06:24 PMIdk I grew up with 4 siblings.
Sharing is caring, and caring is sharing, and sharing is communism. So if you care, you are a communist!
Like most things, I address it on a case by case basis.
Sharing is caring and I don't care to share
Why should I [i]share[/i] my definition with you?
What's yours is mine and what's mine is also mine
Edited by BottomKek: 6/23/2015 12:16:04 AMThese days now that I'm fourteen I don't really have much to share other than a game or my wifi passcode, but here's how I defined it when I was little. If it's something being passed around the class like a toy or something that's not mine that I'm using, I stick to the rules and pass it around like a nice person. If it's something of mine and a friend ask politely if they can see or use it for a while they can have it for as long as they want. If they take it out of my hands without asking or say, "gimme it its my turn!" Then I -blam-ing smack them right between they eyes.
I define sharing as a state of the subject, including an exchange, trade, or equal possession/use of an object... I define it without anything to do with emotion or desire... I am having a problem explaining it as I see it as a very basic word (that has a wide variation of conditions)
Depends on the person, I let someone borrow my Republic Commando Hard contact book it came back in worse condition. I never liked sharing before, I definitely don't now.
Shut up and give me your food
Sharing(in my opinion) is based on whether or not the "sharer" wanted to. If they didn't, then its just kinda forced, and I don't think it really qualifies. Does that make sense?
I think that if one child sees another playing with a toy they want to play with, the child playing with the toy should hand it over for a couple minutes, but not too long as too avoid "fights." (To the extent of what could be classified as a fight between small children.) But, if say your child, sister, parent or any close family like that want a sip of your drink, that's completely up to you.
Whats mine is mine and what yours is mine too
It's caring trust me share your food to girls and they'll love you forever
Taking what I want because sharing is caring yung
Letting people enjoy something equally.
I share my jet fuel with steel beams all the time.
I share everyday by giving away free milk bottles. [spoiler]if they don't spill it[/spoiler] [spoiler]I crie evrytiem[/spoiler]
With Taco Bell's new whateveritistheyreselling.