Dude, it will be Christmas by the time you finish w2 and 3 lol. You'll be sworded out for the rest of your life
Probably ;-; h5 will be my blocker tho to mix it up (maybe just maybe battlefront) I don't think I'll finish witcher tho In time... Especially considering how long DS is
I think DS can be as long or as short as you choose to make it. I just beat the Old Iron King and I'm at SL140/60hrs. I'm not grinding any enemies in particular, I just kill them until they stop spawning and then move on. I've waited a long time to play this and I'm not rushing, so if it asked another 60 hours, well I'm good with that. There are people who have gone through the whole game in one sitting at level 1 for speed runs so it IS possible to be done in a very short amount of time. The Witcher though...you're gonna be on that for awhile. Especially 3, it's supposed to be huge.