There was a lot added, like the upgrade of weapons to 365, material exchange, new models for vendor gear, and the reef itself. What are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to dancing with our new vandal friend in the reef all the time
BUNGIE LISTENED TO OUR PLEA FOR RANDAL IN HOW!!!! He got promoted to captain for his heroism and now judges guardians as Randal N Gesus
Well obviously level 34 vault armor and the new faction weapons look awesome!
Another cryptarch
That vendor armor, it looks so damn sexy!
Edited by Guardian,Archon Of Light: 4/23/2015 3:20:13 AMThe prison of elders loot system looks awesome And all our vault decorations are going to mean something again I hope they don't wait untill early eavining to release the HOW patch, like they do w most patches
New vendors in the reef has got me pumped up!
The armor shaders and the house of judgment fallen
Upgrading old weapons to current level and reforge of new items like they did with iron banner gear. I can't fing wait
Being a leveled badass in multiple kickass armors.
42 light common gear
All of it. [spoiler]Dead Orbit equipment looks sweet!![/spoiler]
Five different ways to be max level ;__;