I have been preparing to get my first tattoo, but i can't decide if i want to do color or black. Its a simple symbol and just 1 solid color. I originally wanted Red, but someone mentioned to me that colors fade faster than black. So now idk what would be better in the long run.
Can i please get some advice here? Thanks friends!
Edited by Aldrich: 4/22/2015 5:36:50 PMI got a tattoo... basically condemning religion in gray scale. You know the image of the Sacred Heart? Yeah. The one I got is all torn up and bleeding; ensnared in the band of thorns. The flame? Instead the flame has gone out and the remaining smoke eventually takes the shape of a demon. Spoilers are sample images that look... similar... kinda to what I've got. Sub out flames on the heart and beat it up some more. The demon at the top left of the second image is the closest representation I could find. [spoiler]http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tattoocreatives.com/wp-content/gallery/sacred-heart-tattoos/sacred-heart-tattoos-3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.tattoocreatives.com/sacred-heart-tattoos&h=349&w=400&tbnid=YsO7E5DuBclN9M:&zoom=1&docid=kz5p2F2krHQKNM&ei=Pds3Vf2hFMW9sAXtjoHoCg&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-verizon&ved=0CFcQMyhPME84ZA[/spoiler] [spoiler]http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.tattooshunt.com/images/66/skeleton-demons-tattoo-designs.jpg&imgrefurl=http://zoted.com/index.php/gallery/demon%2Btattoos/12&h=1375&w=1750&tbnid=xlAO7rjGtgnHcM:&zoom=1&docid=lRFrWD0sCIPK5M&ei=sts3Vf6cKoSdsAWenoGQDg&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-verizon&ved=0CDQQMygRMBE[/spoiler]