I'm gloating about it? Having 30 bucks isn't something to gloat about.
You are obviously full of grand delusions. You wear your personality on your sleeve. I think you are completely full of shit.
You're really missing the point here....
Not at all. By starting the topic by exclaiming how much money he wasted daily on junk food, he made it the point.
No, he was just saying that 15 dollars is a VERY small amount of money. So why is everyone complaining so much? And it's not like you're getting nothing for 15$. You're just not getting what you expected. No one ever said that the HoW was going to get a raid. Everyone just assumed.
So would you buy a cheeseburger from mcdonalds if it was 15 dollars?
If Bungie promised a raid, yes it would be wrong to not put one in. But don't be mad at Bungie for not doing what you wanted. You're still gonna keep playing destiny and they know it. You're a sheep. A really dumb sheep who thinks he's entitled to all just for being alive. You may be a part of the people who say destiny is "ruined" because of this dlc and these patches, but you'll keep playing. You kind of people always do.
No, a sheep is one who continually buys what bungie is shoveling without questioning it's true value. People like you.
I also think you're over valuing 15$. But you're right. Bungie should refund everyone. Good luck.
Did I do that?
Let's put it this way. If I spent 15$ on food, but was never told what food i was gonna get, I wouldn't be upset if it wasn't what I wanted. Bungie never told anyone that the raid was included. It's as simple as that.
It's more like the this, the picture above the counter shows a fillet mignon dinner for $15 dollars and when you receive your meal, you get a mcdouble and small fries.