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Hey everyone! Happy Reset! New week for some new loot! Please take a moment and fill out the rewards poll below:
[url=]Week 33 Nightfall Rewards Poll[/url]
If you would like to see the results of the research so far, you can find it [url=]here[/url]
Thank you again for everyone that has participated!
It was my best run yet. I ran it with my Titan and got Hard Light and blue engram for the drop. During the run I picked up a purple engram and several blues. When I got back to the tower I had a message with the postbot and it was a purple special weapon engram. I go to decrypt my engrams and pulled an Armamentarium. I throw a couple more blues then popped a purple ship then I throw my purple engrams and pulled a star fire protocol. Hell of a run for me it was!