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Edited by Quandolius Bon Stinkleton: 4/22/2015 12:53:35 AM


Destiny is relying on its dlc now pay to win games suck. Destiny two should not be pay to win, but should be more evenly balanced. Most people were pissed when they saw how short the Dark Below was, and that killed the game a lot! They need either cheaper content or more in the dlc. Ideas for destiny 2: Something more to jumpships: instead of a loading screen, they should make them drive able and make it so you can battle other players, such as a new crucible gamemode. Sparrows: it's pretty clear that bungie was going to do more with the sparrows because having legendary sparrows definitely is currently pointless. So what, you can get to the strike 5 seconds faster than the other players? Even then you would still have to wait for them! There's even a durability and speed bar for the sparrows! One even has damn nitrous capabilities! Oh lemme guess: there was going to be sparrow racing but they cut it out at the last second for dlc purposes! More diverse classes: instead of just being for looks, make each class have perks or special abilities! Story: self explanatory: don't cut half the story out for dlc purposes! COME ON the commercials say it all! Lastly, don't make it so repetitive: every time you fight the same enemies in the same order to get gear that make it easier to fight those same enemies so you can get even better gear to continue the cycle. You are the designers, so spruce it up a bit! Also, I think it should be called destiny II: fall of the Guardians I need feedback guys! Make bungie and activision NOTICE US!!!!!
#crooks #theives

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