Hey guys I know you won't think much of this but I'm just feeling this way. I have only a couple friends and every time I feel happy in my life, the happiness fades away in about 5 minutes. People call me lots of things such as "fag", "retard", and more. I used to love my life but now I come home everyday sad and I usually sleep for like 4 hours. The only thing that cheers me up is my family and music anymore and I barely see my whole family because they are working. Like I said most of you won't care but comment if you feel similar or you want to cheer me up. Thanks.
Try meditation. And yes i know, most people see the word and immediately disregard it. But honestly meditation can do wonders for your mind, body, and soul. It helps me when i'm angry, sad, or just feeling stressed out. Another thing i suggest is exercise. I'm honestly not sure why it works, but it does. Back when i was doing P90X everyday i noticed i was just feeling much better about myself and everything going on on life. Give it a try. Also, making a "change of scenery" can help too. Find something new to occupy some of your time. Like join a club or a local sports team. Or even pickup a new hobby.