Its entertainment you -blam!-ing dumbass. Something a retard like you wont understand.
What a dumb fu[b]c[/b]king reaction to an innocuous opinion. Grow up kiddo.
But hey im not the one that puts a 'z' at the end of name cause im not a -blam!-ing queer. Cya dumbass.
That's right attack that because you are too stupid to come up with anything else. Dumb slut kid.
His opinion is -blam!-ing retarded. Plus it isnt an opinion. They make money from it.. Plus you call me a kid over the internet, How original. Have a mute for being a tard.
Lmao. Retard ? Dumbass? Didn't realize that's what I am for stating my opinion . Let me get on your level, you would have to be a retarded dumbass to think that shit is entertainment.
That guy is an idiot. I watch the occasional mr fruit video when I'm bored and I do it for humor not to watch him. Planet destiny is awesome since they give great information and allow me to change my strategy for the better