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4/20/2015 7:46:22 PM

I, Guardian... Fractures in my reality keep preventing me from Raiding

[spoiler]TL:DR - The glitches, which are by no means all fixed after 1.1.2, make raids very unappealing to gamers with limited playing time due to work/family/life obligations. We can't play until the raid works right: We've got an hour or two where we can sit down and game, and if Crota's going to glitch and not go down or Atheon's going to only teleport one person at a time, we're not going to play the raids. We want to have a chance in hell of finishing a task before we have to put the kids to bed or cook dinner or whatever.[/spoiler] One of the many things my companion Dinklebot has not explained to me, but I must simply take as a truth of this Darkness-plagued world that I live in, is this: There is some powerful overlord out there that determines when I, or either of my two other Vault-sharing Guardians of other classes (though I hear some Guardians share a Vault with three of the same class. How newb!), can go out into the solar system and shoot a whole lot of things for... whatever reason we do that... in hopes that purple icosahedrons too large to fit inside all but the chunkiest of enemies (I'm looking at you, Cabal) pop out of them. On rare occasions, the fickle RNGesus will even leave a purple or yellow item on my ship for me to find after returning after a battle. (Strangely, there seems to be a higher chance of better stuff waiting for me when I get back from a battle in which I did poorly.) Aside: I am so sick of all the green icosahedrons! They contain incredibly weak crap that is useless except for breaking down into materials that I already have more of than I can ever use. If I could send those over to my Vault-mates, who need more of their class-specific materials, that would be great. But I can't. If I pick up the green garbage, it is always going to be my type of garbage and not theirs. But back to the mysterious overlord. It seems that this overlord is not able to devote every hour of every day to overseeing my adventures or the adventures of my Vault-mates. Except for very rare occasions, when the overlord summons one of us forth with a gleeful invocation of, "The rest of the family is out for the day and I have a case of Mountain Dew!" the overlord can only muster the resources to summon us forth for an hour or two at a time, at most. These finite windows in which we can armor up and unleash havoc (Fists of, in fact) would be sufficient to accomplish any task a Guardian is called upon, but for one widespread problem: The very fabric of the universe is riddled with big, sloppy rents that the architects of the cosmos seem unable to sew up. These "Glitches" appear most often in the missions that call for the longest time of engagement a Guardian can expect. Once, five other guardians and I managed to run one of these "Raids" without any of the prevalent "Glitches." An hour of precise teamwork later, we reaped rewards unlike any available throughout the known worlds! However, that Glitch-less Raid has never been repeated. Dead super-Wizards keep singing, and their strange song from beyond the dead obliterates Guardians by the score. Giant glowing green Hive knights instantly regenerate shields after a hail of rockets would normally cause them to kneel down and expose their soft underbelly to brutal slashes with a Sword. Other Hive knights defy physics and shoot boomers through solid walls, or Ogres refuse to come out of their giant doors and prevent any further Sword-bearing knights to come forth... An engagement that takes minutes can be repeated unsuccessfully for the full two hours the overlord has available because of these "Glitches." As I hope over and over that one last trip to and from Orbit will somehow steer us around all of these infuriating tears in space-time, I hear the voice of the overlord in the back of my brain, as if speaking to the overlords of all my fellow Guardians: "My time's up, friends. I've got to ..." The rest of the overlord's words are drowned out by my frustrated screams, as I've heard so many variations of it as I've thrown myself into these Glitches time and time again. "... feed the kids," "... go to bed, early day at work tomorrow," "... put out the grease-fire on the stove." It doesn't matter to me the reason, I know that blackness and an utter lack of reward awaits me. Perhaps I should take solace in the fact that the overlord seems less and less inclined to ask me to go into those Raids anymore. It is as if the overlord is resigned to the fact that "Glitches" will prevent any timely completion, and instead commands me to undertake shorter Strikes or Daily Heroic Missions. Yet, these are repetitive and only yield rewards that I've seen countless times before, leaving me yearning for those Raid items that sit just out of my reach, on the other side of the Glitch....

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