Um this strike is really fun especially how its one of those strikes that lets you use ALL 3 burns ( SOLAR, VOID, ARC ) as each boss its own special burn ( this strike has 3 bosses with each boss using a different burn shield ).
plus the recent patch made this very easy lol
As an XBoner, I'm pretty jelly of that Strike. The Undying Mind one seems like it would get old but at least Dust Palace is fast paced and the boss fight has [i]some [/i] kind of a mechanic to it. All that aside, we only have the 6 in the Playlist so [i]anything[/i] added to it would makes things more interesting. [spoiler]I can't wait until fall, when we get both of those, and maybe another (from HoW), along with Hawkawesome. It will feel like having a dlc drop for free! [/spoiler]