Do any of you have any other hobbies, interests, or pass-times that don't involve the following:
-Generally posting carcinogen on
-Making lame religious/political debate threads?
-Complaining about how many lame religious/political threads there are here?
-Actually believing that 90% of those threads aren't b8?
-Spamming crap like a prepubescent on a sugar high?
-Playing hopscotch like those 5th graders down the street who beat you up last week?
-Being addicted to drugs to the point where your mind is set on one track?
-Being a creepy pervert?
Getting to the point, post something that doesn't involve the crap I just mentioned above.
The picture I have here is of a knife that I'm working on. I can only go to the forge every so often, so I still haven't made much progress.
I am an architecture enthusiast. I suppose that counts as a hobby. Other than that, I'm a die-hard transformers fan.