I feel like this little fruit cake wants me to post a picture of myself 😂😂😂😂
Is that Brooklyn logic? Feel sorry for u guys
Yup. Be gone peasant
Ya I gotta agree, who says fruit cake?
What did you come to help your boy out lmfao
Ya we from Chicago south side 3hunda
Oh..NYC's red headed step brother.
No the one that doesn't smell like sewage...seriously NY is disgusting
You must have watched documentaries from the 80's
Peasant? Cmon bro..I think all that cold messed with your brain cells
That's fkn weird.. fruit cake? Yeah ur asking if I want a pic of u. Sheeit
I'm 5-10 and 180 with abs and muscles and I eat 2 breakfast sandwiches on Sunday because they're delicious and it's my cheat day lol. Not everyone who indulges is obese.
I call bullshit, cheat day.. fine, but NO ONE who's that health oriented frequently drinks red bull
Edited by logikbrooklyn: 4/19/2015 12:36:19 AMSugar free red bulls 3x daily. Max Bench 375. Your mother.
That's cute.. I military press that after 3 beers
Beast. My bench isn't that crazy...never has been. I have a bad shoulder, and oddly enough I can incline bench more than I can flat bench. Which is ass backwards to any shoulder injury anyone's ever heard of. Either way, I can't military 3 either lol
Lol I'd give you my Monday through Saturday meals but it's boring. Occasionally on Sunday's I cave for breakfast, then it's back to my usual boring meals. Once in a blue moon I'll have a sugar free red bull as well. Some of us health oriented people really enjoy shit food. It's not easy eating clean all the time. 9 times out of 10 you're right though. Although, you're completely ignoring the point he made with a personal insult.
I'm only 18, yet I'm 6' 2" and weigh 240 pounds. I also eat two breakfast sandwiches.
Hey I'm Jared from subway.. I went from a size 42 waist to a 32 eating only subs!
Congrats, but I thought you were The Rock and a football player.
I'm all 3
Makes sense.
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It depends who you are... I always eat to my needs, which is why I still have a 30 waist despite being 6 foot tall... but many years back when I was about 16: growing, playing rep hockey 4 days a week, snowboarding, tennis...etc., I used to eat two footlong subs for lunch. And people still called me skinny.