I earned my last word from the nightfall! Awahh! I havent upgraded it, i dont even play pvp! Xur shouldnt sell it because i might play pvp! Nerf the last word! Awahh!
Xur needs to be thrown in the reef! In short i earned it from doing a nightfall! So you suck if you bought one! Awahh!
LOL At people thinking this is serious, keep holding onto that virginity there!
Cool dude. He sold it many times before and it sucks compared to other handcannons
You earned it when you bought the game!
So did I, I actually got it from a Tiger strike
I've had a couple drop. My son got his first one last night on the Nightfall just before his bedtime. I woke him up early just to show him Xur had it today. It was pretty funny. I glad he has a sense of humor.
I xurned my last word then later earned it. So does that mean I earned it?
It took me forever to get my first one and since then it drops for me at least once a week. I have dismantled so many of these things and I still have 3
I earned 6 TLWs. today I'm gonna buy one, just to dismantle it.
Get a life