LOL.....buying weapons from Xur is the only "earning" you can do in this game as earning implies a guaranteed reward for performing a specific action. In this case you "earn" strange coins largely by completing the weekly. Then you save those coins and spend them on things you can buy with this case an exotic weapon or armor. If you consider RNG as being "earned' then do you consider winning the lottery also "earning"? In other words would you say "Hey guys guess what I just earned the lottery!"? Or would you say "Hey guys guess what I just won the lottery!".
Also your logic against what I said well you destroyed your own argument since there are many people who received an exotic weapon from a blue engram dropped by a lvl 4 dreg. Your logic says they "earned" their weapon meanwhile you stated that when completing the weekly you "could have possibly been carried through the weekly". Therefore since this is a possibility (however unlikely) you did not earn your strange coins.
By your logic you probably didn't "earn" your copy of destiny. Did you purchase it with your own money or did you find the money lying on the ground to purchase it. If you found the money lying on the ground then by your logic you earned your copy of Destiny....however if you worked a full time job and saved money from that job to purchase destiny then you didn't earn destiny...therefore your copy of destiny should come with locked content that you cannot use simply because you took the "easy way out" and bought the game with money from your job.
TLDR: You are an idiot. Please go back to school and learn about basic economics so that you can understand the conceptual difference between "earn" and "random luck".
I agree with it all. The extra part at the end is very true.
Grinding is earning.. you aren't going to get anything if you're not playing the game.
- buying 100 lottery tickets is earning the lottery right? Not winning by random luck......
Sure did shut you up. .lol
I am sorry for apparently scaring you off. Since you have decided to completely avoid me.
Dafuq you talkin 'bout Willis?
The fact that you had not responded at all since my last post despite your updates and other posts.
Lol you damn skid. You do know there's over 600 comments right? I can't reply to all you bastard children
HMM its been about 30 minutes since I responded. Perhaps I should make some comment about how you do not have the mind to actually debate me on this subject since you have not responded within the 30 minute timeframe.... Nah I will keep my comments to myself and patiently await your reply if you wish to continue your beating.
Your chances of winning the lottery are 0% if you don't play it...
Edited by Semperfi1999: 4/17/2015 3:10:29 PMYes because I can sit here and watch the forums just waiting expectantly for your response........ Your own statement refutes the logical argument you are attempting to make. You indicate in your sentence that in order to win the lottery you have to play it. While this is in fact an accurate statement you have also demolished your attempt to argue that you earned your exotics because you played the lottery. If you consider getting money from a lottery as "winning the lottery" then by logical extension you must consider obtaining an exotic through RNG (IE lottery) as "winning the RNG (lottery)". Winning the lottery does not equate with earning. Earning is something that you strive for where you are guaranteed (or deserved) some reward for some action/service you have provided in exchange for that good. So while you earn coins by completing the weekly (and yes you can obtain some coins through the lottery system as well) you cannot truly earn any exotic. In fact the only exotics you can earn (other than by using coins to purchase them) is the exotic bounties...and even those have an element of RNG (lottery system) in them. So no you did not earn that exotic that you got when you opened the VOG chest. It feels great to get it and you didn't have to pay anything for got it for free! YAY you! But you didn't earn it. Definition of Earn: verb 1: a : to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered b : to bring in by way of return <bonds earning 10 percent interest> 2: a : to come to be duly worthy of or entitled or suited to <she earned a promotion> b : to make worthy of or obtain for <the suggestion earned him a promotion> If everyone received the exact same rewards for performing the same actions that you performed then it would be called earning. Since this is not the didn't earn it. I literally got my red death from a blue engram obtained on a lvl 24 strikes before the DLC came out. Meanwhile others had to play much more difficult games to obtain the same thing...even the weekly before the DLC was more difficult than how I obtained my red death. I don't think I earned my red death. It was a random lottery reward. It felt great to get it but I don't think I "earned" it. In fact the only exotic (other than the ones I bought from Xur) that I actually feel like I "earned" was still an RNG but I just happened to receive it after clutching a victory in PVP by going on a massive kill streak in a period of about 30 seconds and winning the game by only a couple hundred points. And even that I understand was truly RNG it just came at a time when it was memorable and felt good to get it after feeling great to clutch the victory.
Grinding? by letting other people farm a cave as you sit next to it waiting for a legendary? Or Afking in roc strikes?
You sir just won this thread, kudos!