Bullets they ALWAYS kill me I never get a chance to shoot them with my paper regime and everyone uses them so bungie please nerf BULLETS
So true! They need to nerf bullets or throw in some water pistols to balance out the game >.< [spoiler]satire[/spoiler] Petition to nerf Activision: Sign below [spoiler]not satire[/spoiler]
If you aren't only punching in crucible you are a skrub noob who has to use OP bullets. Learn the game christmas noobs!
Shut off your console, that always works for me
Right like you can't even dodge them!
Omg i know right! Why do they even have bullets in destiny. Like c'mon bungie what were you thinking. Thejr obviously dangerous
I agree I was in crucible and I keep getting killed by bullets it sucks. Bungie please nerf