TL;DR What strategy / tips and tricks do you use to charm your better half into letting you play more video games?
I've always been a keen gamer, there's something about the combination of strategic thinking / problem solving / character developing / sense of accomplishment / knowledge building / generally have a really fun time that equates to a very addictive hobby (as I'm sure all of you are aware). My girlfriend of 3 years used to work a mix of morning / night shifts which meant that for a few days a week I would have 6 hours of uninterrupted gaming after work, I was part of a fairly serious bf3/bf4 squad and i must have had circa 600 hours invested into them + another few hundred into a race league/forum i competed in on forza 5. Last year she got a new job last year with a 9-5 mon-fri schedule just like myself(minus my various offshore trips) which is great as we get the weekends together etc however my gaming time has taken a major hit due to this. I've only put in around 115 hours into destiny since i bought it and have barely touched my other games as she likes to spend time together and admittedly Destiny + most games nowardays are very individual focused and I do find my self become very engrossed in games. Obviously there are things in life more important than gaming however that doesn't stop it from being one of my favorite past-times.
For anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation, how do you maximize your play time whilst keeping your partner happy?
I think this is in the wrong section. You posted this in balance which is aimed at nerfing and buffing gear. You may want to post this in the off topic section of the forums.
Who needs women when you have a hand? [spoiler]jk. Too busy with schoolwork and investing to worry about wasting money-I mean pleasing a woman.[/spoiler]
If she loves u she won't mind. Shit my wife bought me mortal combat and a new controller to kick her ass with today. It's all about selection and the right girl. Mines a keeper
I'm lucky, I work a compressed shift. So I get 2-3 days to myself.
My girl works mornings and I work nights. Things I do to make her happy is give her full attention when we're together and I buy her stuff. Just bought a car for her yesterday, so she leaves me alone... for now.
I buy my fiance alot of Michael Kors...
I make her go to school a state away
My wife sleeps 8-10 hours a night and I sleep 4-5 hours that's how I make time. It's all about sleep deprivation.
Trying to thibk of that word where u get something but lose something also sorta like bargaining. My old lady lets me play whenever and in return I let her watch her gossiping shows all day, and I put the kids to sleep every night. Fair deal IMO
Date a girl who plays video games. Or at least don't date a girl who has no respect for your hobbies and interests. I'm very aware how lucky I am to have my girlfriend!
I just play when my wife is working (she be a night shift nurse at the moment.. so I get 3 evenings a week at least as long as she doesn't get called off.). Also, there is something to be said when you both engage in each other's passions. I'm sure you do things that she explicitly loves and enjoys, so why would it seem so ludicrous to ask her to sacrifice a little time to enjoy Destiny (or gaming) in general with you? I'm not saying a marathon, but just time here and there. Also, I use gaming as a decompressor from my job's demanding hours and she understands that I just need to sit and play sometimes to do that. it's a balance, but it is one that can be achieved trough communication of expectations. [spoiler]Just make sure you're setting your priorities right, if my wife every needed something or was feeling neglected I would drop playing Destiny at that time to be with her, hands down. [/spoiler]
Here's how I do it...I turn the game off and play later....
all your girl wants is that same level of interaction and excitedness but with your attention on her. I thought my girl hated gaming too, but then i realized its not the game itself, it's the attention and focus. Make sure you can get as excited to see her and spend time with her as you can with your gaming. Thats the real issue
Two tips: Exercise moderation and make sure it's doesn't become all you do. I typically play before my wife gets home from work, maybe once a week in the evening while she watches tv, and then on the weekend in the evening if we aren't doing anything else. I make it a priority to do stuff with her and not make the game my life. The second tip is don't be a push-over. Gaming is a hobby for me, I grew up with games since age 5, I have always played them and I'm not going to stop to please her. I would only end up resenting her.
Shes a gamer too lol so we play together
I've been in a relationship for about 1 year and a half and she hates it. just use moderation. if you work all day and want to come home an play destiny just let her know that.
Don't be a push over.
My wife plays with me we even purchased a second xbox one so we could.
We have multiple ps3s and play together.
She plays with me man
Play together
Lay the pipe correctly.
Usually, my wife is pretty cool with me gaming in the evening after our daughter is asleep. The trick is to spend some time with her before you go strait for the game, talking or whatever. That gets me a couple hours a night. Also, it's pretty much just a part of your continued growth to make other stuff a priority. I love gaming, but I have to be ok with the prospect of never playing again at some point. [spoiler]"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." -Yoda[/spoiler]
My lovely lady doesn't mind me playing video games. What I do is I'll make sure that if I'm on a mic, I'll frequently mute myself to talk to her. If she wants to share something with me, I'll look away from the screen if I won't ruin someone else's experience. Be conscious of her presence, and offer her as much attention as you can. It helps that my girlfriend likes watching Destiny. It's surely a pretty game.
Bought her a 50 inch tv and a PS3 for herself and gave her kingdom hearts. :)
I tell her im going to play video games and i play lol