XBOX 360 raid finder/nightfall finder
For the hard of hearing/deaf and for those without headsets.
Casual/hardcore whatever your preference.
Cooperation and is a good thing and being able to verbally communicate makes this easier.
Except when it difficult or impossible to communicate that way. Why should you be left out of ENDGAME content just because you cant speak to someone.
Cooperation and communication can still be achieved through a little patience and practice. Learn to be aware of your teammates situation, pair up with a buddy for safety.
Without a matchmaking system for raids or nightfall, its too difficult to find a group willing to accept a non verbal player.
For this reason I have been denied access to raiding and successful attempts of nightfall. One player can only get so far alone. Communication via headset is by far a difficult and aggravating experience, one that has become a non option from my own difficulty hearing/understanding speech clearly.
With the upcoming HOW content and trials in the near future, I really dont wanna be left out any more. Thats why im posting this finder. Join a group, make a clan, or just a small crew, I dont care what you call it. I know im not the only one thats been left out of ENDGAME content because of a similar situation.
If you do and you want to try some nightfall or a raid add my Xbox 360 gamerTAG same as my name
We'll figure it out
Im not particular on your level or character class and I dont care if you have or dont have a G-horn
I dont care how old you are, I dont care if other forumites call you a scrub
Boy/girl/man/woman/lizard/xur thing
Dont matter
Just bring a good attitude and your A game
If your from a similar group or already know of one let me know
I havent heard of one or seen one so hopefully this will help
This is probably really old but if any of you guys still play feel free to add me, GT: Blighttown Finding people to play with is pretty difficult on the 360, just because there's not really much of a community :/
Gamer tag hardhaz69. England ,on most evenings and weekends.
Hi I'll join you for a nightfall strike I'm a level 30 hunter my gamer tag is FireDragonRing I'll be on around 7:00pm or 8:00pm eastern time
Can I join
Self bump