There was a thread a few days ago. "Ruin Wings = Ruined Wings" was the title. A great many users, including me, had laid out the issues with no ammo drops we had experienced. There wasn't any flaming or inappropriate language, at least not the last time I read and posted on the thread. It also had some hashtags like #FixRuinWings and #BuffRuinWings.
I just searched the forum to link it to another user who is having the same issues, and the thread is gone. Much older, shorter conversations about this Ruin Wings issue show up in a search, but all of them are five or so posts long and end with, "And here's how I fixed it forever and for all time and now Ruin Wings are great!" The threads (I have seen more than just the long one already mentioned) of people who continue to be dissatisfied with Ruin Wings and cannot get any of these "fixes" to work all seem to be gone.
Is somebody sanitizing these forums? Under what criteria? Many of us have Ruin Wings and encounter entire strikes and missions where no heavy drops AT ALL. I have run 6 Roc strikes with them and no heavy dropped at all, for example. The fixes in the remaining threads, such as equipping different guantlets, then equipping another exotic, turning around six times, and then putting the Ruin Wings back on, did not "reset" the perk and cause heavy ammo drops to be more frequent as it should. Still had no drops, six strikes running. (Turning around six times added for comedic effect.)
We deserve an answer, even if it is an unsatisfying one like, "Ruin Wings work as intended, and long droughts of heavy ammo is an intended side effect to balance how awesome it is when they work for five minutes out of every three hours worn."
Disappearing discussions about issues = troubling.
I'm not sure what search criteria you are using. Note, though, that putting a hashtag in the body of a thread, does not add that post to the sub forum for that hashtag. The only hashtags that add a thread to a forum or sub forum, are those used in the tagging portion of the original post. The thread you are referring to, is still active in the #feedback forum.
Ammo drops are still determined by RNG. Ruin wings just increase the chances for heavy ammo to drop. Sometimes you get so much you don't know what to do with it all, sometimes none. I've had no issues using them, they don't give heavy all the time but it's been enough to drastically decrease the number of synths I use.
Yeah some of my threads have completely disappeared from the forums, whereas others are still very much accessible and are still occasionally replied to. Doesn't necessarily seem to have a rhyme or reason to it... and honestly, I doubt Bungie really has their shit together such that they can censor the forums. Most likely it's just buggy programming. I mean c'mon. It's Bungie. What sounds more like them? Simple incompetence, or nefarious conspiracy? My money's on the former.