they are making one? better to perfect it than release it before they are happy. and besides, THATS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Read small print, you arent owed a thing
Thank god they put a disclaimer in because that is an awesome way to disappoint your audience. Read the fine print is not good customer service.
its one raid, get over it. and its coming anyway
It's coming in another expansion you can pay for. I am over it honestly I hope this is a good expansion but i am very skeptical. It seems lazy to me that it took this long for a horde mode and PVP mode.
did you say we need to pay for it? show me, send me a link. oh, you cant. Also i bet the arena will be so much fun! no more stress getting 6 players, and something new, thank god. plus there are already 2 raids, and loads of content compared to other games