It took me probably about 50-60 Crota kills to get one, & the bane of the dark gods & sword breaker, and fang of ir yut.
At least 50 Crota kills. But I finally got all the above mentioned items back to back in two raids last week.... Those were the only Crota items I was missing besides that damn helmet for my hunter.. Which is still out of my grasp
You only completed crotas end 28 times lol
Then I guess it took me 27 times. Didn't know you could check that. Is it for all 3 characters? Lawd knows after the last 4 months of seemingly killing him at least 2 times a week, that I would've beaten it more. Wasn't trying to exaggerate... It literally feels like I've killed him 100 times
Thats your total mate :)
How do you look at this
Look at profile then click on grimore then look on raid activitys, hes only got 42 full raid completions so still missing lsst grimore card which is 50 raids lol