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Edited by logikbrooklyn: 4/22/2015 1:58:11 PM

Mass panic over... $15 bucks. Lmfao

2 breakfast sandwiches - $8 bucks Redbull $3.30 Girls coffee $2 Around $4 bucks in gas driving to work. Before 9 am i spent $17.30 by default. This is automatic. By the days end I'll be minimum $35 in. Yet people are complaining they got a bare minimum of 50 hours of entertainment (it will be way more) for $15 bucks? You feel you were OWED a raid? No. I'm sorry to break the news to you, but you aren't OWED anything. In the game, or in life. Take you're imaginary girlfriend to see a movie, two tickets are $25+ all day...for [b]an hour and a half of entertainment[/b] There's a new mode, that every single one of you whining, babbling, cry babies are completely dismissing before you even know what it is. How bout you shut the -blam!- up, man up, grab your balls and stop being such spoiled little self entitled muts to society. [b]EDIT. Alot of comment are pouring in with people saying things like "if I ordered a steak and potatoes, but got no steak I'd be pissed". Of course I would, because I ORDERED that. Video games are not -blam!-ing made a la carte. They are made by companies, pre determined, and we buy them. We don't customize them before purchase.[/b] [b]EDIT 2. Did anyone stop to think maybe bungie is delaying the raid so people don't jump head first into it, and actually get to enjoy all the new, hard worked content first? Just a thought.[/b] [b]EDIT 3 my favorite one of all. This thread generated a ton of response, way more than I expected. What I like is that the vast majority of the responses are level headed people who agree. There is hope.[/b] [b]FINAL EDIT - I see a lot people turning this into my "spending habits are flawed" if I knew what I was doing with money I wouldn't buy the game type of thread. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but spending habits and budgeting are RELATIVE to what you earn. Video games like any other leisure are an EARNED RIGHT. I'm 31 now, and from 18 to about 26 I didn't even own a gaming console. Growing up when I lived home with mommy and daddy and did, because it didn't matter. Once I got priorities in order,in put games down for almost 8 years. Now at 31, I've set myself up with a years of hard work that I can sit back and enjoy my leisures comfortably. If i gamed as much in my 20's as I've been in the past 3 months I probably would have lost my job eventually. $30 a day on misc items may be a lot to some people, and I respect that, nor do I look down on you for it. I happen to do well for myself, not because of luck or having things handed to me...but because I busted my ass and made tons of sacrafices. So no, my 20 to 30 bucks daily wasn't the point of this thread. The point was if you had any respect for work, man hours, and a dollar, you'd understand that 15-20 bucks for the content that you're getting is WELL WORTH IT. Don't give "bungie promised me" bs either. Don't be mad at bungie for believing an unofficial leak.[/b]

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  • Lmfao amen

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  • Amen. Preach! These same complainers have hundreds of hours into a $60 game. Literally paid pennies per hour for entertainment. Still complaining! They're like the old price checkers with coupons at wal mart in front of me every time...

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  • Here's a theatre 20 minutes from me where I can get 3 tickets, 3 drinks, and a large popcorn for less than $20. For new releases even. Suck It!

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  • Thank god a post without bitching XD glad I'm not the only one who is ok with bungie'a choices :3

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  • Not so much the loss of that, but the fact we were led into believing there was a raid. That's what people are upset about.

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    6 Replies
    • This^^ has made my day :) haha

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    • Edited by dead mans: 4/14/2015 4:11:39 PM
      Sadly everyone is pissed about the raid and not the dlc as a whole, of that $15 how much is the raid? $8?

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    • Movies are 5 bucks on Tuesdays here, all day not just matinee. ;)

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    • Eat breakfast at home-cheaper Make coffee at home- cheaper But Red Bull warm in cases- cheaper Gas- just happens Not very well put at all. I spend maybe 5 bucks daily to and from work. And eat at home. I have the expansion because of that.

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    • It's just kids complaining because their mommy doesn't have an extra 20 dollars for them

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    • Girl's coffee? ._.

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      2 Replies
      • I would imagine that most of the people complaining aren't even spending their own money. It's mommy's money.

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      • I just spent 5 dollars on a pack of Newports that will last a day, and another 8 on lunch that lasted 15 minutes. 15 dollars is chump change for a few months of gameplay. So totally agree with you.

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      • 2 tickets are $16.50 at Costco for movie tickets. How do I know? (Not a virgin)

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      • I think its the principle. I dont know what happened but it appears the raid was cut from the DLC. As in, it exists already. People are upset that content they thought would come to them is now repackaged and will be resold. Itd be like you buying that coffee only to find it empty or full of hot chocolate. The clerk then tells you the coffee is still brewing and it will be another dollar to get it. Its not anger over the amount of money. Its anger over the tactics Bungie is using to maximize profit. Now, that being said, im excited for Trials of Osiris and the Prison of Elders. If these are variable and offer some real replayability, i think it will be better than another raid

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      • How [i]dare[/i] people look forward to something and then be disappointed when we find out it's not coming! Hell, for me it isn't about the money. I'd pay $20 for a new raid alone. I know it'll keep me busy for weeks if it's halfway decent. I am upset because I was under the impression we'd get a new raid with each dlc drop and now, after ages of anticipation, less than a month before the dlc actually drops, we're only [i]just now[/i] told there's not only no new raid, there's not even a new 6 man PvE activity. Bungie had to know ages ago that there would be no new raid, but it was never mentioned and the anticipation was allowed to grow. To wait to tell the community about this just seems like a bad move all around... Hugely disappointing because it denies the longtime players a piece of content we were anticipating and also either shows a huge disconnect from the community, or a complete lack of respect for us to see us all eager for a new raid and still not tell us there won't be one. I feel like the anger is justified. People may be barking up the wrong tree in asking for refunds, but they want to let Bungie know that this was a shitty, disrespectful move on their part.

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        2 Replies
        • Well put. Sidenote, where are you living where red bull is so expensive? I can easily get 2 for $3 around here...

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        • Waiting for this haha nice work.

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        • Have they came out with a price yet or are those just estimates I don't feel like spending a fortune

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        • It's not about the money, it's about the content genius

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          4 Replies
          • Not worried for the cash myself.... but 15 bucks per 1 million customers. [b]15 million dollars[/b] If we are willing to always pay for min amount, that is all we are ever going to get. Developers should be held to a high standard because someone is getting rich off these games. At the end it will become common practice to throw out bare-bones developed games and have people pay constantly for dlc. Now everyone likes to spend there mula on breakfast sandwiches.

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          • Ok bye then. It's best to have less trash around the house

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          • [quote]2 breakfast sandwiches[/quote] You fat -blam!-. [quote]$8 bucks[/quote] The hell kind of breakfast sandwiches are you eating?

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            6 Replies
            • Who cares if Bungie promised a raid or not...its your problem for purchasing DLC ahead of time without knowing all of the details. Bunch of morons

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              3 Replies
              • The fact that you are spewing prices means you really don't get it. Plus, you need to make better food choices.

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              • I already bought the pass, so I'm just sitting here, waiting for it to drop. It's been so long since I've bought the pass, that it's basically just free content for me. And honestly, I'm quite exited for the ability to upgrade old raid weapons, among other features that we have yet to even see.

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