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Edited by logikbrooklyn: 4/22/2015 1:58:11 PM

Mass panic over... $15 bucks. Lmfao

2 breakfast sandwiches - $8 bucks Redbull $3.30 Girls coffee $2 Around $4 bucks in gas driving to work. Before 9 am i spent $17.30 by default. This is automatic. By the days end I'll be minimum $35 in. Yet people are complaining they got a bare minimum of 50 hours of entertainment (it will be way more) for $15 bucks? You feel you were OWED a raid? No. I'm sorry to break the news to you, but you aren't OWED anything. In the game, or in life. Take you're imaginary girlfriend to see a movie, two tickets are $25+ all day...for [b]an hour and a half of entertainment[/b] There's a new mode, that every single one of you whining, babbling, cry babies are completely dismissing before you even know what it is. How bout you shut the -blam!- up, man up, grab your balls and stop being such spoiled little self entitled muts to society. [b]EDIT. Alot of comment are pouring in with people saying things like "if I ordered a steak and potatoes, but got no steak I'd be pissed". Of course I would, because I ORDERED that. Video games are not -blam!-ing made a la carte. They are made by companies, pre determined, and we buy them. We don't customize them before purchase.[/b] [b]EDIT 2. Did anyone stop to think maybe bungie is delaying the raid so people don't jump head first into it, and actually get to enjoy all the new, hard worked content first? Just a thought.[/b] [b]EDIT 3 my favorite one of all. This thread generated a ton of response, way more than I expected. What I like is that the vast majority of the responses are level headed people who agree. There is hope.[/b] [b]FINAL EDIT - I see a lot people turning this into my "spending habits are flawed" if I knew what I was doing with money I wouldn't buy the game type of thread. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but spending habits and budgeting are RELATIVE to what you earn. Video games like any other leisure are an EARNED RIGHT. I'm 31 now, and from 18 to about 26 I didn't even own a gaming console. Growing up when I lived home with mommy and daddy and did, because it didn't matter. Once I got priorities in order,in put games down for almost 8 years. Now at 31, I've set myself up with a years of hard work that I can sit back and enjoy my leisures comfortably. If i gamed as much in my 20's as I've been in the past 3 months I probably would have lost my job eventually. $30 a day on misc items may be a lot to some people, and I respect that, nor do I look down on you for it. I happen to do well for myself, not because of luck or having things handed to me...but because I busted my ass and made tons of sacrafices. So no, my 20 to 30 bucks daily wasn't the point of this thread. The point was if you had any respect for work, man hours, and a dollar, you'd understand that 15-20 bucks for the content that you're getting is WELL WORTH IT. Don't give "bungie promised me" bs either. Don't be mad at bungie for believing an unofficial leak.[/b]

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  • A lot of these crybabies don't have other expenses and the $15 is their allowance from mommy & daddy

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  • Why are you... defending a [b]company[/b]? Do you work for them? I don't get it. None of the feedback is directed at you. Literally the only thing that could happen is the game could get better. Why would you try to suppress that?

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  • 1
    Was that "you're" intentional?

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  • They could get into trouble if they advertised HoW as having a raid and then didn't put one in. The idea that someone would sue over that amount is ridiculous. But there are probably some lawyers out there that wouldn't mind making a case out of it. It was a $500 million game.

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  • Edited by Hellekeen: 4/15/2015 7:25:11 AM
    another elaborated stupid post about missing the point.. congratulation.. just for you: it's not about the money.. its about the missing content (again) and about the non (dis)information / non discussion upfront.. i would gladly pay 250$ for a game that contains all what was promised in 2013.. and 100$ per DLC.. no problem.. IF the game would contain all the features that were promised.. so again: congrats for totally missing the point.. maybe you should apply at bungies, seems to be precondition for working there in a mgt position..

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    25 Replies
    • 1
      You sir are a idiot

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      2 Replies
      • At least you made points lol...I think it's worth $15 dollar all day long I pay more than that for dinner so extra gear new missions new mode new light levels and hopefully some story line lol

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      • It's more like 15 bucks times 3 million. Get it right. For 45 million dollars we should have a raid.

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      • Capitalist consumer asshole. Thanks for ficking it up for the rest of us.

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        26 Replies
        • U missed the point. What if from now on ur sandwiches don't have any meat or eggs or whatever. And ur redbull doesn't have any caffeine. And u already paid for the next days food. U would b like I want a refund for my shit. Then all they say is we understand caffeine is what u like but we've decided cum is better. ur caffeine will come later in the year for more money. I guess u would just say everyone is so stupid who stops drinking it because u spend that kind of money all the time and everyone is entitled and petty and u would just go ahead and drink that cum. Ur smart smart smart

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          • You sir are a legend. I respect you

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            • It's just immaturity. I tend to forget that posters here could be more than half my age, and you have to allow for their lack of real world experiences. I'm not saying all 32 year olds are mature, and 15 year olds aren't... But you really don't know who's typing on the other end of these posts. Given the hours I've put into Destiny/TDB, it's absolutely an excellent ROI for me. Others can put in more time and say it isn't, but I don't see their reasoning. You won't stretch your money much farther anywhere else in the world all things considered. Even if I hadn't prepaid for HOW, I'd still shell out for it now.

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              2 Replies
              • Finally someone who has something to talk about 15$ but wait! There's nothing in destiny that costs 15$!

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                1 Reply
                • Hahaha word. 15damn bucks and we actually get more content than before! 1raid is waaaaaaaaay less content compared to two new modes with a ton better replayability. Some are even like: wtflol law suit incoming!! B_!_t_c please...if you had money for a lawyer a meer 15bucks dlc Wouldnt get you all stresed out.

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                • Amen. If you cant afford the 15. You shouldnt have time to be playing games.

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                  7 Replies
                  • 100% agreed the mute button has been getting alot of action lately

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                  • I like how people complain about the content in Destiny being repetitive, boring, and unoriginal. And then when Bungie adds something new (The arena/Prison of Elders) people complain that they're not getting a raid.

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                  • But my girlfriend gives me fun after the movies. So it's a win/win

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                    3 Replies
                    • I'm gonna take a guess here and say that most of the folks complaining about cost would be children that have to go ask their parent or "guardian" for more money to be able to continue playing a game that they had to beg $60 out of them in the beginning. By the way, once no more money comes in to support these games, they usually shut off the servers and no one gets to play. So if you like it enough to keep it online, your gonna need to ante up.

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                    • [quote][b]EDIT 2. Did anyone stop to think maybe bungie is delaying the raid so people don't jump head first into it, and actually get to enjoy all the new, hard worked content first? Just a thought.[/b][/quote] You mean the whopping three 15 minute Story Missions, the 4 Crucible maps that can only he played on rehashed Deathmatch gametypes, and the single Strike? Once more onto the boring ass grind...

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                    • Tbh not everyone has a job, so money is more prized

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                      3 Replies
                      • I don't know which theater you go to but a ticket here cost $10

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                        • This

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                        • The only way I'm gonna be upset about not having a new raid is if this new content doesn't live up to the same fun factor as a raid. If it's too short, not complete, glitchy or just plain dull then it'll bug me but until then I'm actually excited to see what these new adventures and activities hold for us. :)

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                          • Edited by uncledannyboy: 4/15/2015 7:23:19 AM
                            It was 35$ for TDB and HoW in Canada and i aint even mad....i paid 1500$ to sit courtside to see Lebron James dunk a basketball for 48 mins. How can i have any anger whatsoever about over 1000 hours of strikes and raids and Crucible with my friends laughing and joking and farting and burping in the mic like the gross pigs that we are.

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                            5 Replies
                            • Thank you for this post!!! I completely support you on this.

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