Aint thats what the raids are for also? Replay ability to get all the gear and weapons? If the raids werent made for replay ability then we would get all the weapons and armor first time around. DeeJ just wants to hype up a shitty 3 player horde mode that once again limits you on playing with friends by saying oh we are focusing on replay ability. The whole game is focusing on replaying the same shit over and over.
And yeah ill play it because i bought the season pass like an idiot so im going to play what i paid for and jump my guardians up just 2 more levels once again within a month just to do a wash and rinse again of the previous DLC. They said they learned from TDB but obviously didnt by cutting out a big part of PVE. And then take 6 months to give us that "one" raid. And more than likely try to charge for it also.
Maybe the raid has some bugs, and they don't want to release it half-finished. Maybe not. [spoiler]But you're complaining about more content...[/spoiler] [spoiler]That you haven't even played. [/spoiler]