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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
Edited by StudyOfWumbo: 4/13/2015 12:34:16 AM

These randoms are taking photos on the hood of their car on my street

>Be me >Working on project >Editing short film for english >Gotta make sure its extra MLG >Needs more illumnati >About to add in the dewritos >Loud noise from outside > [url=]MFW[/url] >I must investigate >Goes to window >Random guy in middle of street crouched >Tebowing.jpg. >Watch out for the train >Suddenly a camera appears >Lol wot? >Hears other people shouting >Looks down the street >2 random chicks holding starbucks sitting on the hood of their car >They're posing on it >TrainHorns.mp3 >TakeThePicture.jpg >Their car has the yield signal on >Its in the middle of the street > [url=]The other drivers behind them are like[/url] >[url=]Im just looking at this like:[/url] >They are still yelling outside >Who the hell takes a selfie in the middle of the road >They are still taking photos >3 minutes pass >Why the -blam!- am i still watching this shit? >Suddenly several cars pull up behind them, they have trouble getting through >They have to drive on the sidewalk to get around >Each one honks as they pass >They wave >"LOL WE JUST WANTED TO TAKE GOOD PHOTOS SORRY" >Logic.exe not found >PARKING ENFORCEMENT APPEARED! >The guy doesn't notice >The cop exits the car >No one notices >The cop approaches them >"EXCUSE ME SIR!" >Your-blam!-ed.gif >Holds back laughter >"Oh hello officer" >Guy is super nervous >"What are you doing in the middle of the road?" >Guy scrambles for a proper answer >"Waiting for parking" >Because everybody knows that taking photos of two randoms on the hood of your car is the best way to pass time. >Logic.exe still not found >"I find that unlikely since you have a camera in your hand and these people are posing on the car" >"There are 5 spaces on the street" >"Please use those" >Not a single ticket was given that day >Luck +1 >The cop returns to his car >The cop drives off >Guy tells randoms to get off the car >Hear a popping sound >they look back at the car >It has a huge ass dent in the hood >Literally. > [url=]REKT M8[/url] >ReleaseTheGigglesM9.jpg >He enters the car again >The randoms walk off >They literally were just random people >WTF intensifies >He drives off >Is still confused >Leaves house and tries to flag him down so he can explain >He comes near >His license plate says fresh >He has dice in the mirror >If anything i could say that this car was rare >But i thought nah forget it >Yo Holmes to bell air!

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