Why do league of legends players hate world of Warcraft? They're not even the same game! Anyone have an idea? Is it cause LoL's community? It's puzzling, LoL is a lane defense game, while WoW is an MMORPG.
Becuse lots LoL players hate everything and if you misclick they harass you the rest of the game and spam report you.
W3LL 5H17. B3773R N3RF 1R3L14.
I've actually never heard that and I play a shit ton of League. I know a lot of them despise other MOBAs though, but that's not really unexpected considering the same type of thing happens with shooter communities.
I liked WoW but I hate LoL. It never grabbed my attention. I always felt like I was playing an RTS with one unit.
Smite is better. Loving that third person. Gonna xbalanque u out if ur birds eye view crap.
Leather belt
LoL is a drug. Wow is another drug. If you mix a strong amount of one with the other, you overdose. If you take a bit of one with just a pinch of the other, you get a bad trip and a visit to the hospital. There's a dragon blocking my fridge. That's the way I see it
Lol sucks anyways so why do we care what they think
They hate anything that isn't LoL.
LoL community hates anything that moves
Well the league of shit community technically hates anything that doesn't relate to their game so...
It's cos the LoL fanboys are a bunch of motor-mouthed obnoxious arseholes. Simples :-)