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Clan Recruitment

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4/12/2015 3:24:10 AM

Winter Company [WCO] XboxOne Clan - LF Fireteam to Raid Every Week

Winter Company has always been called upon for only the most dire of situations for their precision and ruthlessness as a single unit. We're now calling upon Xbox One Gaurdians who are ready to take defending the walls of the City to the next level. We are looking to build a dedicated and effective team that can play each week and help take down Crota and The Darkness. Guardians seeking an active, challenging, and fun clan can assure that joining Winter Company is the next step in becoming Legend. Objective: Winter Company is looking to complete and create the best fireteam in Destiny. Specifics: Winter Company raids at least once a week on Thursdays at 8PM CST. We primarily are focusing on raids but will work on other areas as well such as Iron Banner. Qualifications: To join, a guardian must have a grimoire score of 2000 or higher and have completed both raids at least once. Guardians must be team players with good attitudes. Our first meet up is this Thursday, April 16 at 8PM CST. Send a clan request or reply below if you are interested in joining our ranks. [url][/url]

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