Destiny has not added content since Crota raid and the game has become stale, you guys haven't offered your customers new content for us to sink our teeth in it is a joke. You guys released one of the greatest games to date (in my opinion) and arguably one of the best games on the new gen console but there is nothing to do anymore until the next dlc. Everyone is a 32, and everyone has nothing to grind for anymore. I dead set worked my grimoire up to 2830 on Xbox one and I feel like I've bled the game dry. Something's wrong here bungie! Fix it, do something cool and creative!
Every game ends at some point. I understand destiny is supposed to continually expand but what I'm saying is if you can't handle running out of content then play differently or less.
Personally I think your real problem is that you think this game is the best to date. If I wasn't playing with friends, it would have bored me long ago. The reality is that it has done a lot of things "wrong", and that is why it is boring. It could have been great. Has the potential.
Please burn your console and go outside. You are a bane to society
Time to stop playing
You have logged almost 30 full days game time across the original release and DLC, what did you expect?! The next DLC is a month away, go and do something until it drops if you're bored. How many other games have you managed to plough over 700 hours in to without getting bored? Looks to me like you've got your money's worth.
Play another game. problem solved. You idiots treat the game like it's supposed to keep you interested for 4 hours a day, every single day of the week, and every single week of the god damn year. It's not, and it never will be. No game does that. No game will ever do that. You're going to get bored. So go do something else, pop in occasionally to get your weekly shit done every now and again, and spike up the play time when the dlc drops. You dont have to play this game everyday of your life no matter how much Bungie makes you think you should scrubs.
I agree 100% destiny is now a ghost town due to lack of content, very sad! Bungie really dropped the ball, most of the community as left my friends list is down to 5 or 6 playing destiny out of 100 plus very sad indeed!!!!