I'm sick of people waiting every week for xur just to buy his weapon of the week. A lot of the [b]XURNERS[/b] shouldn't be spoon fed by Xur. They need to do nightfalls and raids like a lot of us that actually [b]EARNED[/b] our exotic weapons.
If Xur is going to sell a weapon every week it should only be Dragons Breath and No Land Beyond. This will encourage xurners to go out and earn their weapons.
Keep the hate coming [b]XURNERS[/b]. I didn't know Xur had a lot of [b]Kids[/b] that he has to spoon feed.
Keep dancing for me little puppets!
Are you so bad at life that you have to try and 1up a bunch of kids in a video game? Relax, it's just a game. Not all of us have 3 hours to blow in a raid or a decent team to do it in less. Not all of us have some REAL time to play, that doesn't make you any more entitled to have nice weapons and gear anymore than the rest of us. We all bought the game, we all have every bit the same right as you do to enjoy it to its full potential.