I'm sick of people waiting every week for xur just to buy his weapon of the week. A lot of the [b]XURNERS[/b] shouldn't be spoon fed by Xur. They need to do nightfalls and raids like a lot of us that actually [b]EARNED[/b] our exotic weapons.
If Xur is going to sell a weapon every week it should only be Dragons Breath and No Land Beyond. This will encourage xurners to go out and earn their weapons.
Keep the hate coming [b]XURNERS[/b]. I didn't know Xur had a lot of [b]Kids[/b] that he has to spoon feed.
Keep dancing for me little puppets!
You can't earn in an RNG game. There's no such thing. Destiny has a few exceptions and these aw he only thing that you can actually "earn" [i]-vendor items(crucible, vanguard, factions, xur, iron banner, queens wrath, all of those) -exotic bounties(thorn, invective, bad juju, super good advice, pocket infinity) -the strangers rifle (the gun you get for defeating the story) [/i] That's it. Nothing else. No nightfall loot, not even raid loot. Because they all drop randomly.
Your the only kid here brah, personally I want to have an even playing field for true competition obviously you want an op weapon and no one else to have it as you suck harder than a baboon on a donkey dick
They do stuff to earn the coins which is not RNG, then save up for weeks possibly to buy that one weapon they really want but had no luck finding. It is earning it. So quit be a b/tch
This weeks topics Xurners are scrubs part 64 - im an elitist who got lucky scrub The update isn't good enough part 23 - giving us what we want isn't good enough scrub Nerf all the guns part 79 - I got killed by a better scrub
Ops post. I want to shit over others experience of the game even though it has no impact on my game at all. So i can be a special snowflake
But this post is invalid, everyone has bought something from xur
I've gotten more exotics from raids and nf than I have xur
This game is not for you.
Grow up.
It's not going to happen, but I commend you for asking nicely.
Is it just me, or do attention seekers get worse and worse and have no originalality to their shitty posts in the first place anymore. Anything for that fapfapfap amg trending
These post's got old real quick months ago. If the game is this stressful for you maybe you should stop playing.
man just stfu
Gr8 b8 m8 8/8
So wot are we suppose to do with all the strange coins then? I have 80 odd in my vault with countless others having hundreds stocked up
By your logic.....this week in nightfall I 'earned' 9 ascendant shards. Yeah, thanks for that Bungie. It's all random, why can't you understand that?
Petition to remove BoyMeetsEvil from the forums permanently
Sounds like you're the kid trying to feel special.......
Maybe you can explain me how you earn your exotics, the only way to earn a exotic is to buy it by Xur or make the exotic Bountys because the hole loot system id based on a random system... So stop crying about xurning and earning this is totaly stupid
But it's what he's there for... Surely you bought from him on day one
I hope you get the prison shower experience in a dark alley way one day.
Analysis:butthurt player who got exotics by chance and was very lucky,now butthurt at people who where less fortunate with rng Possible actions:only one. Execution of butthurt player
Somebody shut this idiot up.
Another "chancer" pipe down