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Edited by BoyMeetsEvil: 4/11/2015 6:53:14 AM

Bungie Can You Please Remove Xur's Weapons From His Inventory?

I'm sick of people waiting every week for xur just to buy his weapon of the week. A lot of the [b]XURNERS[/b] shouldn't be spoon fed by Xur. They need to do nightfalls and raids like a lot of us that actually [b]EARNED[/b] our exotic weapons. If Xur is going to sell a weapon every week it should only be Dragons Breath and No Land Beyond. This will encourage xurners to go out and earn their weapons. Keep the hate coming [b]XURNERS[/b]. I didn't know Xur had a lot of [b]Kids[/b] that he has to spoon feed. Keep dancing for me little puppets!

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  • you don't earn drops they area called random! point one and point two not everyone has no life like BoyMeetsEvil and has 30 days play time this game has rng earning something i a reward at the end of a mission cause your guaranteed that reward

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    • Well I do nightfalls and the only exotic I ever got was lucky raspberry

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    • I won the lottery I earned my money

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      • This coming from a boy who bought weapons and armor from Xur. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

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        • muted

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        • i hate you sort of people but you are yet to be removed from the game so i wouldnt get your hopes up that this will happen

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        • Please stop replying to shitheads that need attention god these forums are shit

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        • I personally think xur should have his own gender swap theatre and plastic surgery booth AND beauty parlour so we can FINALLY change the mistakes we made with our characters for example my Titan lvl 32 is a blue awoken with ginger hair......the -blam!- was I smoking when I made him ? =\

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          • Edited by rekingwar: 4/11/2015 2:20:28 PM
            And if you look over here you see a special snowflake, well used to be one, in its natural habitat. This is a common thing to spot. If you see a special snowflake you have two choices avoid it, or rub that exotic that is special to them in their pathetic face. [spoiler]those 23 strange coins were [b]well[/b] spent.[/spoiler]

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            • Cause OP [b]never[/b] bought a gun from Xur...

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              • Bungie can you please remove RNG so these filthy Rng'ers can stop getting lucky and then acting superior, which is the equivalent of me earning a paycheck every week and saving my money and buying a nice car and you looking down on me because you won your nice car on a game show, makes so much sense, Xur was created for you to get exotics, Rng is just extra, so if one had to go it would be Rng but good luck scrub!

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              • This is a dumb thread

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              • Edited by TallBball23: 4/11/2015 2:16:15 PM
                RNG does not give you what you deserve. You get lucky. Why does almost everyone think that getting randomly awarded a drop on a challenge qualifies as earning something? Every time I beat crota I might get an exotic. Every time I play crucible I might get an exotic. All random.

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              • i do nightfalls. where do you think i got the coins from to buy xur's wares. your a bit of a brat huh? xur selling weapons has no effect on you. get over it. pettiness is not an attractive quality.

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              • Wow, I used to think like that but whenever I got the last exotic and realized how in special that is i realized that who gives a damn if you buy them from xur. More exotics for your fireteam members and that's good

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              • Edited by Ancient0982: 4/11/2015 2:26:34 PM
                Xur is a great way for those who just reach lvl 20 to get their new gun and gear since they are ineligible to enter nightfall or raid. So back off. I personally love teaching new comers every secret and trick to reduce the stress of them having to grind over useless gear or guns. Stay out of pvp if you are going to complain. I'm no top notch in pvp but I still want to give the new ones a starting advantage.

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              • You sure you didnt 'xurn' that ghorn?

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              • You need to play the game to get strange coins to buy the weapons. You is flaw

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              • So your telling me you have never ever bought anything from xur... Bull

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              • This guy actually thinks people DONT raid and DONT do nightfalls and just wait until xur comes to get things, this is priceless! Yet another child is having access to technology to spew out bullcrap on a forum.

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              • To even call people kids based off your own stupidity is beyond childish. No one gives 2 flying -blam!-s what you think. Welcome to real world.

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              • [quote]1. Everyone will have it!!! I know you want to think these forums represent the majority of the Destiny community, but they simply don't. Millions of people don't use these forums. Millions of people don't check Xur, millions of people don't play on the weekends. Millions of people don't have the strange coins. Even after Ice Breaker was sold 3 times, people still don't have it. You still see threads about people having missed it or not having enough coins for it. Guaranteed if Xur sells Ghorn, the next week people will still be asking for it. So to think that every single Guardian will be rocking Gjallarhorns if it goes on sale is not good logic. 2. It'll break the game!!!! Nope. I play on many strikes where all 3 of us have a Gjallarhorn and guess what? The game doesn't break. Sure, bosses are downed about 30% quicker, all it does it make an already easy task slightly easier. - not exactly game breaking since even ROC strikes aren't particularly challenging. Also, this requires all 3 people to have a Gjallarhorn (see point 1) and have full Gjallarhorn ammo (doesn't always happen) or possess synths (doesn't always happen) and be willing to use them (doesn't always happen). Also, there will always be people who want to equip other exotics. 3. If everyone has one, Bungie will nerf it! What are they waiting for? Whenever polls are conducted on these forums, about 65% of people own Gjalarhorn. Certainly, a majority of my friends have it. Many of the strikes I'm in (with mates) contain 3 Gjallarhorns. Videos of people destroying Atheon in 15 seconds with 6 Gjallarhorns have been around for months (I think even Bungie posted one). And there's many videos of people solo-ing Crota with a Gjallarhorn (here's mine: ). What are Bungie waiting for? They know how exactly powerful it is, many people already use it to make the game easier, they've had many opportunities to nerf it ... but they haven't. I hardly see why they'd suddenly get the nerf-hammer if Xur sold it and the percentage of Gjallarhorn owners jumps up by 15-20% 4. I don't want Xur to sell it because it will feel so much better when I finally see it drop! Then don't buy it, simple. 5. I won't be a special snowflake Shut up 6. People should earn their Gjallarhorn The word earn means: to gain deservedly in return for one's behaviour or achievements. Receiving something by RNG is the antithesis of earning because contribution to any activity is not taken into account (or even needed), nor is your skill level a factor of what you receive. Basically you can suck terribly or not even be at your controller get a Gjallarhorn. Being granted something at random is not earning, it is the complete opposite. Technically it takes two weekly heroic strikes to have enough coins to get an exotic of Xur where as getting a weapon at random requires you to be present at only one activity. 7. But ... I like being special You are already special, in your heart, for many reasons, and a digital gun isn't one of them. Edit. Reason 8. If Xur sells it I/many players would stop playing. This is frightening because if you are saying that you're being led along solely by a carrot on a stick, that makes you an ass. If Gjallarhorn is an artificial way to pad your Destiny experience, that's sad. If you think that starving the player base is a good method of player retention, please don't become a game developer. The simple truth is that if something is fun, you'll do it. I played many years of Halo (and other games) because they were enjoyable activities, without the chance of that random loot. Also, saying you'll quit if you finally get that weapon you want is puzzling logic. If you finally get that weapon you want, wouldn't you want to ... enjoy using it? And play more? And if you collect every exotic, there's plenty of other goals to chase, I don't even have to name them. Edit: Reason 9. Xur will NEVER sell Gjallarhorn again, it's confirmed to be off his loot table. I gather you get this I information from that MEGAMAN chap. The same chap who has also written: [i]-Xur's list of items of sale can be changed in real time, not just via patches. -Bungie manually controls when he appears, where he appears, etc. Therefore, they can do things like prevent the originally scheduled Xur from appearing and replace him with an different Xur prepared in case of emergency. -I have already seen Xur appear with a different list of items than what originally appeared in my data. When I checked that Xur's list of items, they were all identical to what ended up going on sale that week. The next week, he reverted to his original scheduled list. Therefore, I've concluded that Bungie prepared a different Xur for that one particular week. [/i] So no, it's impossible to say Xur will never sell Gjallarhorn with absolutely assuredness. Ps. I own 3 maxed Gjallarhorns and I would love Xur to sell it. Post post script: in regards to bosses being downed quicker ... how is that a bad thing? Does anyone out there really think "gee that strike-boss died too quickly, I would have loved to have shot at it for another 7 minutes. Bullet sponges are where the fun is at."?[/quote]

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                5 Replies
                • AGREED. Everyone's like "wahhhh I've played 4 days and IM DAY ONE(doesn't count if you don't play the -blam!-ing game!)" Then ask Bungie to let Xur sell Gjallarhorn, which right now is the end game weapon. Go let it drop for you and feel the elation then you PLEBS

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