I have every exotic piece of armor except lucky raspberry. If xur sells it, am I gonna buy it? You bet. It is earned. How else do you get exotic armor? You call getting an exotic from the nightfall earned? Takes 30 minutes for me to do all 3 nightfall. This week I got coins, coins, and red hand. Only exotic weapons drop from raids. Only other way are engrams. HOTPF may have come from an exotic engram purchased from xur. Everything in this game is earned. How about the kid with 67 hours who has gally from his 1st legendary engram dropped from a dreg? Please stop with this. Be more friendly and respect others. I like playing with everyone and I celebrate anyone's exotic drop whether if it comes from xur or not!
Signed A Day 1 Player who helped the Christmas Noobs become Legends.
(Drops the Mic)
Spend all your motes on body engrams. Maybe the RNG gods will give you a low stat lucky raspberry.
Yeah man, I agree...someone posted (can't remember who) that if you find a hundred dollar bill on the street then you are lucky...but if you go to work and earn that hundred dollars from your wages and go and buy something then it's earned...so spend those hard earned strange coins and get that good gear you paid for!
It says bait.